
Sunday, February 18, 2018

The new Ether part 1-a summary

Space is expanding because of a break down in higher compression states moreso than the increase in information although both effect expansion.
All coordinate change is in one direction, because the single variable only increases (so far), but compression, originally theorized to work according to intersecting spirals (an effect of the true cause and f-series stacking in botht the same and higher place states) is intead theorized to be the result of fseries net variations, although both are ct0/ct1 pheonomena and therefore time independent.
Time isn't a dimension at all it turns out.  Time is the ratio of ct1-ct2 exchange to ct2 and higher exchanges although what we call time may be nothing more than ct3-ct4 exchanges.
This is a spectacular determination, but carries quite of bit of explanatory baggage with it because ct1 exchange is the new ether because space is the  same stuff that all other states are comprised of, a fact so painfully, logically obvious that it can hardly be called a discovery at all.  The universe crystalizes from space mathematically.

In the early NLC version of AuT, there was a fixed future and it prevented coordinates from occurring at the same point twice.  The universe itself changes so this is impossible and it grows in terms of points from the middle so the other points are constantly moving outward except to the extent they compress.  This would appear over time to create a shell of ct1 states although at least the possiblibilty of compression at the edges with  space leaking outward (the last solutions) seems possible.  From a sci-fi standpoint, one can at least imagine a sold ct4-ct5 shell or rings at the edge of the universe.
order separates them.  
Likewise, for this same reason, every point affecting every other point, they never occupy the same relative space no matter what relative to each other point.  The gravity experienced for higher ct states always is changing with each quantum change.  This gives the illusion of rotation to the universe and prevents even the intentional movement to a prior point that would be the equivalent of standing still.
Spiral expansion/contraction reflects the stacking of f(x) states on the scale of (f3 or f4) 6^4, 10^8 or greater.  You cannot accelerate back to a prior state or even a prior position although we think we can move in 3 dimensions, we are only moving in one.
This concept of non-repetition affects expansion by imparting perceived movement over time which time is the ratio of ct1 exchange (memory free) to ct3 or 4 exchange which maintains enough information to allow a qunatum state to have memory of the prior state, albeit a constantly degrading memory.

Secondary phenomena are not true phenomena.  Spin, for example, requires dimensional separation and an extra axis about which revolving occurs.  Quantumm examination of spin requires adding the movement of the spinning body with all other points.
Movement at the quantumm level is not really movement, but is merely relative position changing of ct1 states due to compression and the relatively minor today (but greater in a commpressing universe) increase in total information.
The semi-paradox of moving information at different relative points and all points moving more together than apart will occur at an inflection point; but the statiscal concept of even approximate identity of solution (exact identity impossible because of the overall change of the universe) is very small.  That is, the "ct1" in the universe will compress after 7 billion years (the approximation) and things viewing the universe at that point will think of the universe as a big compression event instead of a big bang event until the next inflection point where the net fplupix solutions go positive.
In the overall change we cannot put any point at the same dimensional location twice without exceeding the speed of light due to these features.  However state is what is important at the quantum level and that shifts only between positive and negative results.
The universe is a giant adding machine where all the keys once pushed stay down but where there are extra keys added (one at a time)  so they can be pushed again and the level pulled to add them together to get quantum states.
The resulting movement is fairly easy to envision today with a universe spinning at an enormous size.  The initial universe is constant dimension free change.
In the middle there is a more compact universe where all the points are very compact, spinning near the center, but unable to be at the same point twice.  At the center, spin and coordinate change has to be very high under NLC theory to maintain the overall light speed change coordinates, but being time independent, the change rate is the only thing that matters and this occurs at the same speed for every point.  
There are no actual specific "locations" but only the impression, illusion or effect of dimension.
In the intersecting  model of NLC there was still the impression of movement in an outward spiral with the possibility of any of these myrid interacting quantum points every coming in contact with a lower line of the spiral where they might find some continuity.  The need for a mechanism mathematically to prevent the overlap which moves information away from the center rapidly to create this faster than light phenomena in intersecting logarithmic spirals led to an examination of the construction of dimension which, thankfully, appears to be embedded in the pi and sin equations.
Under the phenomena of both AuT and the earlier NLC, all base information change is at a common rate.  Stacking of information (as in the example of spirals off of spirals) allows for information to change at  different relative rates (e.g. 5x1 is smaller than 5x6 even though in writing them out they are not different), one rate changing faster than others stacked on it, so that we get the effects that led the pre-NLC, pre-AuT to assume that only time was uni-directional and that the other dimensions had multiple axis.  All the dimensions frunction from a single axis (albeit an increasing one) and time is an effect and not a dimenstion at all.

NLC (non linear coordinate theory), being a fixed, time independent system proved points could not be in the same place or move backwards to a pior point so the illusion of movement had to be explained using a system that prevented duplication.  In order to arrive at this state of things at our speed of rotation it appeared necessary for the universe to extend the movement outward at a very high rate of speed or rotate rapidly which give rise to the illusion of expansion, spin and angular momentum.

Space must constantly change state or the entire system would solidify.  To say that higher ct states crysalize from the lower states is true, but so must the higher states switch back.  The resulting model of NLC which is not contraindicated by the alternative model of AuT indicates that the universe is continually moving to a higher maximum compressive state, albeit as an infinite converging series, which suggests at least the possibility that at some point, compression will be so high, the universe even during the expanding phase will be mud-like.  The AuT model alone, suggests this is less likely, but with intersecting spiral effects, the end result of a very compact (ct(near infinity)) states remains a possibility.  While this would be dead to us higher dimensional logic in these increasingly stable universes might exist.
The ability of Nostradamus to predict the future accurate is tied to the ability both the preservation of the past and the method of building the future.   We have programmed in our minds the ability to examine these quantum historical states that were combined for the current quantum state.   
It is entirely logical that with the destruction and recombination according to such a rigid pattern that an equally blurred picture of the future is available if you know how to look for it.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle (a fallacy in true super-symetry) actually rears its head at this point in the examination since the ability to see the future exactly must fade with the ability to change it for paradoxical reasons and the same formulation which is tied to the relationship limitation of ct1 substitution [(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2 at the ct4-ct5 level] applies.
This jives fairly well with predicting the future.  The past, being already constructed of pieces of the present is more clear.  The loose pieces of the past standing ready to come back together exist at a lower compression state so there has to be a way in which these missing pieces and their tendecy towards recombination can be sensed.  Since for practical purposes these are ct3-c4 states or at least transitional ct3-ct5 states, the ability to determine them would seem to be theoretically not only possible, but possible with such percision in a limited way to allow absolute prediction.
Before you scoff, this is exactly what happens when we predict very limited features (like chemical reactions) and very large features (like planetary orbits).  Hence, to get back to Nostradamus, his intent study of past and future planetary orbits for his almanacs is precisely the type of analysis one would engage in to predict a more human future.  This is the subject of a book (fictionally presented) coming out in March in all probability in at least a first draft form under the working title of "The Science of Nostradamus," which I have discussed previously.
One might ask, reasonably, could we predict our future and change it thereby overcoming the H-uncertainty principle. The answer, because there is no uncertain in AuT is yes at the ct4-ct5 level, no at the ct1 level.  The difference is that the speed of light is an effect and not underlying cause of supersymetry.   Hence, we can see events coming, water flooding a city when snow melts to pick an obvious example, and build a dam to stop it.  This involves logically seeing how the past will yield the future in precisely the same manner, it being understood that an earthquake or other even could alter our predictions of the future at this level, but not changing the overall ability to more precisesly predict it based on the recombination of solutions principles inherent in AuT.  Knowing the value of individual fseries solutions for the underlying states of even a very small amount of matter would involve enormous computing power, so the mind of a true reader of the future would have to be trained to evaluate the destruction of time and somehow average or evaluate the possibility of reassembly.  That chemistry and physics and political science allow us to do this with vary degrees of success makes it likely that a true fortune teller could exist.
More detail on all of these issues can be found in the six published books.
The next post on the new ether will document the flaws that led to the mistaken interpretation of results in the ether test of Michelson and Marley which led to developement around the correct version of solution order, compression and expansion along the dimensional model preserved in pi.

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