
Friday, October 23, 2020

Night 321 of the apocalypse; space and the vacuum

I'm going to talk a little about love, but the science question of the night is Why isn't space a vacuum?  That is the right question.

This is the wrong question:

Here is the discussion:

If there is no vacuum, then where is my life being sucked?  Into what?

Mood music:

Cheating makes you miserable, figuring out who you are cheating on is more complicated.

Every minute, I want to tell you what?  Something.  That doesn't help things.

Love is exquisite, addictive pain.  It hurts so terribly bad, but it is more desirable than gold, more important to have it than water in the desert because it is more fundamental than life and thirst.

Love is also pleasure, ecstasy by definition if you have a real love.  

To deny your self the one in the name of the other is hypocrisy.  How many sins do I carry and what price is paid by me and those around me?

I have known that before, but only once when I knew it was unadulterated, not cut with passion, not cut but overwhelmed, but something that lasted afterwards and without passion, for decade after decade, never fading, neither separation or change.

Would it help if you knew that I love you more than anyone else?  More than I love myself, for I do not love myself.  Even having accomplished so much more than I could ever have imagined or hoped for, I find only a deeper darkness in my unique knowledge.

Would you believe it?  Without proof?  I think you would, I think you do.  There is a hatred attached to the wrong type of love, love of a tyrant, for example.  So too it is justified to hate the wrong way of loving.  So you can believe and hate.  I cannot get into your head, I can only speak for myself, but the crystal clarity of my feelings and your insightful and trusting nature make me believe things that should be true.  

With all my heart I love you and believe that you love me the same way, the pain and the ecstasy; I could not live if you made me believe I was wrong.  So I refuse to believe what anyone else would know instinctively.

How many times have I begged to share with you the minutia of the days and nights.  How many times have I walked in the dark, rain hiding my tears, turning toward the darkness lest my weakness be visible to everyone else.

You don't know how much I hate you for not being there at night.  If I was sleepless and you were there the world would be full of infinite options.  Instead it is only full of darkness and terrors that have to do with seeing a void, a vacuum where life should be.

I said I might include this.  It is, after all, a blog about physics.

I call this the 10 or 12 or 8 or however many line proof.

2f(n)^(2^n)  (f(n)=(1,2,3,5,8)  n=1,2,3,4,5

That looks like a nothing equation, but for n=1-3 it defines space and time.

n=4 it yields the e=mc^2 equation

N=5 and N=1 unify gravity with the strong force.

N=4 defines the neutron, 

N=5 defines the black hole.

When you overlay the two parts (2^n and f(n)) you get the periodic table of the elements.  That last one even surprised me, even though it should not have 

It explains why you already made your decision before I asked the question.  

How could you support me?

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