
Friday, August 9, 2013

large energy releases in e-hologram theory-part 1

While the tendency is to look at e-h-t as a theoretical tool, it has immediate application to o-space.
The greater the tendency towards infinite series (the bigger or smaller the impact on o-space) the more observable e-h-t aspects of the event.
In the past, the nobel prize winning aspects of George Lucas' "the force" were largely debunked; nevertheless when examining the destruction of a large amount of "thought" (i.e. life) at one time as being observable within e-h-t is not without some basis.  Since such large amounts of thought are embodied in this aspect of e-h-t it is questionable as to how much impact even an entire planet of current life would have, it stands to reason that terminating one line of thought (death) even of some low life form would be determinable so that larger simultaneous terminations would have a greater impact.  Also, because there is no real distance when something returns to the singularity, the idea that this information could be instantaneously transmitted (at least among thinkers-intelligence) is not without some theoretical basis.
Likewise, focusing on any one event is liable to have the same effect.  When a world war occurs, it is likely that the concentrated attention of much of the planet on individual events would be determinable and there is some argument to be made that thought supports these types of events in order to strengthen the existence of thought in blocks.  This might be true even of a successful movie.
A better reflection of this theoretical concept lies in large energy releases.  E-H-T relies heavily on observed large scale phenomena (black holes and gravity wells created by planets) in order to have a basis in observed o-space.  Another group of phenomena where this can be seen is in large releases of energy.  Remember that what holds true for a black hole should hold true for a single atom, so what we can derive from a nuclear explosion should, at least on a relativistic scale, hold true for us at a scale between the micro and macro.
A nuclear explosion reflects time giving up dimensional qualities on a grand scale in favor of those qualities associated with a change in dimension.  That is energy is matter where the time has surrendered much of the dimensional qualities that allow it to be observed as matter in favor of those accelerating its speed, a change in coordinates.
Hence, we should be able to make observations in a nuclear explosion that have E-H-T properties that would show this change in time, or perhaps this reallocation of time, more clearly than we might see it on other levels although where-ever energy is released, such as by the striking of a match, this should be observed if E-H-T can be reconciled with Newtonian Physics and Basic Chemistry.  More on this later.

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