
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

publication update-the einstien hologram uinverse

Writing a fundamental theory of the universe is not as easy as it sounds, even if all the parts are there.  It is 1/3 finished in a struggle to select the most likely path for resolution of issues and the treatment of the side roads in this complicated theory.  
It was originally a commentary on existing hologram theory which led to several wrong assumptions, many of which seem to be finding their way into the final text.  Among these is the separation of tendency and time.  Originally, the concept was that both the tendency for things to happen and time were separate.  After careful exploration, however, it became more and more evident that the tendency for things to happen was an aspect of time itself. 
Several of the issues which need more development in the books, such as how time manifests itself as space, matter and energy require more mathematics and observation than is possible under the time limitations for a September publication date.
Finding time to work on this has been a struggle, but it looks like it will probably be available for publication by the September date.  It is targeted to be under 150 pages, although once formatted it may be either more or less. 
For many reasons, some of which are set up above, many of the paths which should be more completely explored will be ignored or treated casually.
Stay tuned.

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