
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

building an algorithm 4-Bringing it all together.

The purpose of this series is to attempt to find the answers to the fundamentals by moving from the beginning outward just as the original took illusory but convincing existence and tried to move backwards.  Some of you are (stupidly) suggesting the methodology is too simple to reflect a rich universe like ours, but an opposite truth is shown by a even a cursory examination.  Even the cursory pre-AuT universe shows that energy and matter can be exchanged (e=mc^2) and while that equation has been shown to be nonsensical in many ways, what it means on a quantum level is that matter at whatever complexity is the same as the most simple form of energy, therefor there is nothing special about any type of matter.   Getting back a couple more steps to an information state is trivial and is handled very handily by AuT. Only a scientific moron would fail to see this.
The equations then are self solving.
The "Carrier" (0,1,1,2,3,5) is merely the straight addition of the individual states:
01,01,01-01,01-01-01 etc.  By adding each of the states together to get the next state you arrive automatically even according to earthly mathematics at the F-series function.  Curvature is given by the equation giving rise to separation without which you'd have a singularity with everything in it.
CT1(x)=1(sin'(pi')/2x and pi' is defined as the special equation sum(1-x)[4/(2x-1)+/-] and Ct-1(x)=-1(sin'(pi')/2x so that each of these is separated by an evolving value of x which changes the function sin' and the value of pi to provide mechanical separation of pi.
For any quantum sum of points ct1(x) ct-1(x) the two will eventually be carried towards each other as x gets very large and the sum of ct(x) points based on adding the prior two to get the current grows very large.
The addition of time states almost ensures that there is a fading, but still present, multiple solutions and therefore changing curvature of space.  In fact, over time, there should be a measurable difference in space curvature for the universe that can be looked for.
In fact, the change in pi provides a basis for observed separation of points without any more complex algorithm since at every change in x there is a corresponding change in the amount that one curve exists relative to the next, but addition of states means that the change for an early less curved state becomes less and less effective in changing the current perception of the universe.
Compression states actually show a change in space curvature locally that has to be tied to this same phenomena at least indirectly, high compression means that you have a place where these changes are happening together so that there is an increase in the localized change of pi relative to uncompressed space so you'd necessarily see space compress without regard to some Einsteinian magic that pre AuT technology requires.
Compression occurs when alignment continues over a period of time beginning with when the states are aligned in the quantity necessary to achieve exponential compression and this requires that collections of spirals are solved for a common geometry over a long period which apparently results from intersection of positive and negative spirals with a continuing common solution.  The idea that the big bang started with no compressed states in it is refuted by this which requires compression occur within the big bang and decompression (on average at least) occurs after it which is discussed in detail.  The "single big bang fantasy" of pre AuT mathematics is clearly refuted, even though for the wrong reasons it was previously refuted with big bounce concepts.
it is possible, even likely, that until there is enough information to define pi, while there would be a type of separation of information states based on the changing value of pi possible, there would not be sufficient curvature of space to allow combinations or to allow for the type of solutions that we experience with a high solution of pi for the current relatively (relative to x=1 or 1 million anyway) infinitely high values of x that we experience (nothing that what I call relatively infinite is small compared to what x will grow to at ct7 states).
When x is very high then you have the combined states begin to spread out and achieve a magical separation where space is possibly defined and where they can combine and separate to compress and expand to give the pheonomena that AuT can define merely with compression and expansion which is defined in Spirals in Amber if you care to read it.
So what you have is the building algorithm and then it builds on itself.
The most satisfying method of arriving here is by using 4 (for pi) being derived as a factor of 2 (information theory) which may be a reflection of positive and negative information (even though normally this would be plus 2 and minus 2 the equation )+/- might allow for the addition of the two states for purposes of the algorithm for building pi.  I'll get to that later.
If you want something spiritual out of all of this consider that a significant number of spirals exiting one state and then coming back to that state could result in unusual phenomena, for example electrical impulses forming memories change state significantly upon death and do so in proximity, who is to say its impossible for those states to reconvene somewhere else, even in another mind altogether to give memories of that prior life.
Want something more spiritual?  This is the result of two minds coming together and then being torn apart..

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