
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Building an algorithm-10 article review -

While technically right, since Hawking was right for all the wrong reasons I have to rate this relatively low.
CT5 is defined, these complex theoretical manipulations toget to a relatively simple solution are tiring.
So we can say that Hawking is right, but only to the extent that we accept a surface which doesn't exist.  Eventually the general physicists will give away their conceit perhaps when someone they know of comes out with exactly the same findings as AuT but calls it something else, plagarized but with a fancy name to it.  It is bothersome, but what AuT says is that all vanity is foolishness so allow me, the stripper of vanity, to also be your biggest fool.
The problem is that classical physicists continue to ignore AuT at their peril since eventually it will be determined they were wasting their time ignoring the facts.
So let's get to the facts.
What does AuT say about space.   If we accept that there is a cycle (0,1,1,0) then once every three transitions space disappears from our perception.  We don't notice it because from our perspective this occurs for 1x10-39ths of a second and it appears for twice that long giving it the shadowing appearance that misleads people like Hawking into believing it is nothing, the same reason that it makes up dark matter but non-AuT scientists don't see it.
Why are photons so much more visible.  It helps to think about these as bits of film moving more slowly than 10^39 per second.  Two slides then one empty, you'd get a pretty good picture from that.
With photons, not only do you have a longer "burn rate" 0,1,1,2,0 but the "2" might take twice as long to fade away.  Now you have 4 out of 5 slides to one empty, 1,1,2,2,0.   However, given the known  building out you also have the F-series base and exponential function so for every photon you have 4^2^2 space particles so that you effectively have 4^2^2 (to 1^2^2?) slides for a like number of empties.   The exponentially larger sizes you see for wave energy and matter and finally black holes makes them look more and more dense although in reality they are just larger information-alignment states.
So what Hawking would say if he were paying attention is, of course black holes are just more compressed information states, obviously based on the F series 3,5,8 or 16^2^5 for ct5 which makes them to appear less changeable even though their information states change at the same rate.
What this means if you look at the drawing is that each of the triangles "turns" just as each of the larger information state shapes turn with each change in x and all the turns are made at the same rate whether as part of a higher concentration state or not.
Representations for triangles from x-1 to 4

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