
Saturday, August 13, 2016

building an algorithm 7 xx

The hard part for us to accept is that when an atomic bomb is exploded, it is based on this same simple algorithm, albeit with whatever permutations allow for compression and the like.  The rough drawings that were done earlier showing how the spirals can build and interact is only half of a very large, but not overly complex puzzle of how interaction occurs.
So let's pick an obvious example of expansion from a compressed state to an uncompressed state.  We could look at the sun instead for the opposite, but it's too easy.
When the physicist using pre-AuT math figures out how fission works, that is part of a long spiral process.  In following stages, other physicists join in the planning, chemists and engineers also begin working on the problem, then miners and prospectors get involved, military leaders ask for funds, politicians grant them, carpenters build buildings and on and on.  All of this effort is directed towards the ultimate process of exploding the bomb (assuming it is exploded) which is not so much of a 'goal' as a natural effect of the process which appears to have enormous amounts of self determination and discovery, but which is actually just a reflection of what is shown to be a fairly complex formula.
As the sketches show (I'll copy one here) even with a tiny, tiny value of x, one so small that it has no significance in our universe, something that includes only a hand full of space quanta of information, is so rich and complex that it appears that a very high value of x would be unimaginably complex and, indeed, that is what we see when we look at examples of how the process works in our univese.
We, well technically all the physicists before me, lose track of the math trail and fail to see that every movement we make is part of this integrated process based on a very simple algorithm.

What we're looking at may be only half of 4 to 5 quantum of space.  If you can imagine that complexity times 4^4^6^8^10^16 then you get to but a single quantum of matter, perhaps what we call a single quark.  Once you see this scale you begin to understand how these states may interweave to give the appearance of self determination and randomness which seduces even relatively intelligent people into the belief in something more complicated, like classical physics.
Lower states continue, in this model, to exist with a higher state.  The how is that it builds just like others do.
We know that the exponential stacking is of the next lower state, not from the lowest state.
The 10^16 for matter is 10^16 wave energies, not 10^16 space or photons.
0,1,1,2,3,5 means that wave energies are 6^8 photons and photons are 4^4 spaces.
This suggests the building looks like this:
0,1,1 space
1,1,2 photon
1,2,3 wave energy
2,3,5 matter
3,5,8 black hole
Just looking at this it can be seen that each higher state is literally the addition of the two preceding lower states so that the historical maintenance of states exists, but fades just as history fades in this
history 1
history 2
history 3=history 2 plus 1
history 4=history 2 plus 3 but 3 is 2 plus 1
Hence, the gravitational element is preserved notwithstanding the change in state and the relative slowing because of the number of changes inherent in the solution (they are spirals if you draw them out but they are just solutions to a math equation if you don't) last longer (3 movements take 3 times as long as 1 movement).  And, yes, the 0 transition you see in space has some weird effect.  It is not a plus or minus type of solution and for this reason gravity appears separate from other energies reflected in these relative movements since it is the change from this place of non-linearity to a linear solution.
The reappearance of the F-series is not coincidental and while it is dictated by math once you accept the model, I didn't go looking for it even though I knew it would be there (you did too if you've been reading my work) because the algorithm can only grow more complicated by building on itself, new mathematics cannot come into play spontaneously because that isn't how our universe works.  We have a simple universe based on a single algorithm changing in response to a single variable.
The number of changes thereafter can be counted understanding that only one change happens at a time for any quantum of information which is a major leap from classical physics, perhaps the most important, understanding that what we call speed is an illusion, as is time dilation.  This doesn't mean they do not exist for us, only that we don't know...well we didn't know, what we were looking at till now.
This is hard for you to understand and you'll reject it just as religious fanatics cling to their ideas of god in the face of circumstances that indicate how pedantic that is.  However, it is the interconnectivity of things that creates all of the forces that pre AuT physicists see as driving the universe and which they rely on to allege there is no true randomness  The problem is that those classical physicists think their "forces" are the driving elements, all operating separately with some "oooohhh mysterious" connection between them and between them and gravity.  AuT shows the connection to be relatively mundane and easily explainable and shows how all these different forces acting across the illusory vast differences can yield a very complex interwoven series of events to accomplish individual acts of compression or expansion which are pre-ordained to happen as x changes.
The rejection of the insights of AuT are the result of little more than superstition.  I have the same problem, but for some reason my spirals are a bit more on the receiving end of intelligence rather than superstition.  Still, if you go back a dozen or two posts, you'll see my enumeration of things I accepted as part of this theory and then had to reject in the face of overwhelming math to the contrary and others will come and go as the model is perfected if I don't abandon this line of inquiry or die but that solution is also given.

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