
Sunday, October 2, 2016

bonfire of the demagogsxx

I had a friend of mind condemned me because I was considering voting for the bonehead running on the libertarian ticket.
The word Demagog was written to define trump, whose platform is to appeal to the lowest thought processes of his followers and the prejudices that accompany it.
But Clinton is also a demogog, she's just a liberal one and a more intelligent, far more intelligent demagog.  And worse still she represents the horrid idea of a blood line. I had hoped that the one good thing that came from w. bush was to bury that concept forever.  There should be a law that says there is a generation between any blood lines closer than first cousin, even though the roosevelts might provide an example of why such a law should not be in place.
They both have extremist agendas, one not far from a Nazi, the other not far from a bolshevist neither appeals to me in the least.  Well, both have something to offer, one almost clearly the lesser of two evils, but why should I vote for an evil?
It is  the "anything other than the above" that makes me consider voting for the bonehead, that makes me not worry if my vote is "thrown away."  It looks like no matter which primary candidate I vote for, I'm voting for extremism and dishonesty.
Trump lies through his teeth so often, you'd think the spaces would be bigger.  Clinton is more subtle, changhing her opinions to meet what it will take to put her in office while her tactics of getting rich are almost as corrupt, if not illegal, as those of her opponent.
Clearly Trump made his fortune cheating people, even dumping his debt at a profit on unsuspecting shareholders, not to mention shorting contractors.  Clinton sold influence, directly or indirectly.  Why not vote for someone whose knowledge of foreign policy is restricted to knowing the world is round?
Clinton owes overseas powers, Trump is indebted to them.   The third party candidate doesn't even know who they are.
I am sickened by it.

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