
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Non-linear time theory-what if Einstein was wrong? A comprehensive summary...sort of

I know I should be getting back to the presentation from New Orleans, but there is so much to do and so little time to do it all.  I am hoping to go into hibernation during the holiday break and update The Einstein Hologram Universe to bring it into compliance with Non-Linear Time Theory.
The primary developmental concept behind EHT was that "everything happens at once" in the singularity.  This is taking the quote from Einstein (The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once),  applying it to Hologram Theory (String Hologram Theory) to arrive at a point consistent with Hologram Theory.
Sadly, other applications of Einstein's theory do not yield as elegant a result.  For example: worm holes.  First, I don't really like the name since it implies giant worms connecting our universe in Black Holes, even though there are no giant worms that I know of predicted to connect different universes. 
Then there is String Hologram theory itself.  Painfully close to Einstein Hologram Theory, but not so close to Non-Linear Time theory which is the natural progression of teh model.
An oversimplification is in order.
First, the idea that anything other than non-linear time results from high concentrations of gravity woudl undermine a lot of Non-Linear time theory, so I'm not too excited about those Physics ramblings.
Second, if we were a projection, what powers the projection.  These questions were the first ones to lead to a projection of time, which in turn led to quantum time, which in turn led to the model which is "coordinate" based which is observed.
Now, for those of you who have not followed the entire development of E-H-T to Linear Time Theory, this will make little sense, but suffice it to say that an examination of black holes (temporary and permanent) and time dilation due to acceleration scream that time is quantum time and that time varies according to a set of coordinates and that these coordinates as a group can only change according to the speed of light and hence movement along one axis, slows time proportionately.  It also allows for a unified field since gravity, the only un-unified field, drops in with the others through it's connection with time (gravity is the tendency of time to become non-linear).
Now, I mentioned earlier that quantum gravity has some great results and that the only "weakness" in the theory (it's achilles' heel as it were) is that Time is an artifice.  That is we solve all the problems in our universe (and you'll see all the great mysteries are solved using Non-Linear Time Theory except this one) but we replace them with the question of what is this incredibly complicated thing (Time) which in a single quantum (or multiple quantums if you must) creates the entire universe by become linear.
The one place where I want to diverge from the starting point (Hologram theory and Einstein's quote meet at this point) which point is "That everything has already happened at once."  One of the great things about this theoy is that it is self empowering (thought powers the universe...i..e. gives time its linearity...which in turn gives rise to thought).  It is very circular, but I point out that we accept this type of infinite series in pi itself which is likely a reflection in real space of the non-linear time singularity from which we arise.
But enough of that already!  The question that we're discussing here is pre-destination.  If I'll already written this theory before and I'm merely typing in in a singularlity without dimension, why bother (other than I don't have a choice since I've already done it).
So here is the question:
What if non-linear time does not result in everything happening at once?
This would allow for something vastly different than hologram theory, because predestination would be eliminated in favor of time becoming non-linear without predestination.  Instead of justing "thinking" we had the ability to control outcomes, we would actually have independent thought and the ability to act independently.
This would be empowering, but sadly it would mean that all life was a risk.   There is no risk in the alternate model (and sadly, again, the more likely model) since we've already lived our lives, died and everything is happening at once but for the "illusion" that non-linear time gives to that "database" (compared to a two dimensional surface) of events existing without linear time and therefore without dimension (did I mention in this posting that dimension doesn't exist until time becomes linear?).
It's a great topic for future investigation, but that is what the future is all about.

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