
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Part one-the non-linear time-einstein hologram words and music presentation

The Moral Implications of the Time-Space Continuum: (Do I have that written correctly)The only reason for time is so everything doesn’t happen at once.
—Albert Einstein

I received the call for speakers and I had just published the first edition of a paper on a new theory of physics. The conference topic was “morality” and I thought “that's perfect for a physics paper.”
I am going to prove to you that you can live your life without fear and that you can change the universe ant that this makes Morality an imperative. Unlike many of the other speakers, I will not do this with any middle eastern mumbo jumbo, but instead will rely on mathematics.
You all believe me, right? Well, I will prove to you.

Many writers have presented and have signed their books. Physics is unlike Fiction.  It doesn't need as many readers, but the science needs to survive.

Some of what you hear here will not be found in the first edition of the Einstein Hologram Universe.

Other philosophies say: we’re all part of one thing, I’m going to say the same thing, only I’m using a new theory of fundamental physics. I will both embrace and refute Hooft, Steven Hawkins and hologram theory.  I will prove that dimension is an illusion and that gravity is the tendency of time to lose 20 minutes or less.


Rosemary says I have to do this without any math. I have to prove the universe doesn’t exist without a powerpoint and EVEN without a chalkboard! Now you probably are thinking that I am either the comic relief or mad, but I’ll do it anyway.

I don’t have time for volunteers, so, if I walk ½ way to Rosemary, and then repeat it (cross ½ way again) I will get very close, but will never reach the same place. Think about it. This is an infinite series, the same as if I moved away at double the distance. Unless you can do this forever without leaving the universe, the universe cannot exist according to traditional physics and it doesn't so they come up with “string theory” and part of that is “hologram theory”
This is not only the basis of Non-linear time theory/Einstein Hologram Theory but it's also Dichotomy Paradox. It is one of 9 surviving paradoxes to explain that Motion is an illusion. And this in turn is a precursor to Hooft's Hologram theory which was a response to Steven Hawkin's Black hole gravity theories.
The great part of this is that these 9 are known as Zeno's paradox who my brilliant Greek partner pointed out had the basis for Non-linear time theory and String Hologram theory between 490 and 430 BC, 2500 years before Hooft!
Recently “temporary black holes” have been created in super-colliders and this is explained because this involves getting closer than the ½ distance at a time allows-space ceases to exist, at least according to Non-linear time theory.

Einstein-Hologram theory (or non-linear time theory) says that when I make
very very small steps I eventually step out of the dimension universe into a pure time universe. Space ceases to exist and you are in a world of pure time and eventually it becomes non-linear which means that everything happens at once which Einstein indirectly predicted.
Distance/0=infinity any number no matter how small divided by zero is infinity. This will be important later.

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