
Friday, April 10, 2015

NLT-The time bomb

Non linear coordinate theory is the theory of time bombs.  Unfortunately, this does not mean that the more fun idea of a bomb which would move someone in time (although I'm going to write at least a short story on that, but two or three at a time, say what?)
What I can do is predict a bomb that is exponentially stronger than that largest nuclear bomb even though that would be a super-giant sun.  I can predict an energy source that would exceed a nuclear source by the same exponential factor.
I can describe how that would work.  And, of course, I can predict lessor weapons, exponentially less powerful than the smallest nuclear reaction.
And it is all about the conversion of time which is the section of NLC that I'm working on.  Page 97 of 245 (will it never end?)


      The equation suggested for the conversion of time between positive and negative time is the same equation for determining the irrational Logarithm base determined by John Napier, namely, e= (1+1/n)^n as n approaches infinity=1+1/1!+1/2!+ 1/3!+sum(1/n)! for n=4 to infinity which, not surprisingly is Zeno’s suggested equation for crossing a road by going ½ the distance each time which gets you half way each time without ever crossing.
      Using this for filling sequential orbits you arrive at the formulas for compounding (1+r/n)^n=(1+(1/x))^xr which is the formula for e and n approaches infinity starting at zero.  This formula appears later, remembering that the exponent of growth is c(compression)=2^n within n starting at zero and going, presumably upwards or downwards towards infinity.
      f(x)=logn(x) describes the type of solution (as with the solution for e) where you approach certain states but never arrive, the positive results of the solution (1,2,3,etc) taking you steadily away from the axis (state) in question and the negative taking you steadily towards the axis (state) in question.  The difference that is witnessed, however, is that at some point in NLT you actually shift states, the transition occurs.  This is the equation seen when you accelerate towards the speed of light (going from matter to energy) but never reach there.  You can, of course achieve the state change in a nuclear reaction which indicates a quantum reaction, at some quantum state transitions occur, just as at some quantum level pi takes on a finite meaning because continued derivation past that point of division shifts from CT4 to CT3 or from CT4 to CT5 or out of linearity completely.
The transition point remains elusive although the exponential logarithm f(x)=loge(x)=ln(x) provides a tantalizing possibility where the transition point is the line (1/e) tangent to the curve at (e,1) and where the state change could occur when you reach a functional equivalent according to a formulaic multiple of the tangent point.
These transitions involve initially the number of coordinates which can shift at one time and hence are one step more complex and there is conservation of change (between x,y,z,etc) and between the total clock time change.
      Exponential change can be growth or decay and since Time going non-linear can be either, you have y(t)=a*e^(kt) where y(t) is the value at time “t”; a=value at the beginning, k=rate of growth or decay depending on whether k is greater than or less than zero.  So for the transition from matter to energy you have situations where k is either depending on whether you are dealing with positive dimensional characteristics or force=negative dimensional characteristics.  This defines the sides required for each coordinate to have exponential growth as observed. 
      However, there are no time periods in NLT, there is exponential concentration only as a factor in the growth of concentration as time states move from less organized time states to more concentrated time states and Standard Clock Time is only one coordinate that changes only when concentrations rise to the level of CT4 (10^16) and the changes of any one dimensional coordinate drops below the speed of light.
It may be that the rate of change in different dimensions might be one feature, for example, that CT1 may only change in one dimension at a time, CT2 in two, etc.  However even this reflects dimensional movement that seems inconsistent with the theoretical states and performance of features.
These can potentially be reconciled with the speed with which change occurs in different Clock times or the sharing of clock time states may allow for more change which is confusingly referred to herein as time orbits because molecular orbits reflect this type of energy sharing and it is unlikely to be coincidental. 
What is known is that one dimensional changes in CT1 happen much faster than those in CT2 due to the conservation of change.  It is a change we cannot otherwise envision from gravity to light (photon), photon (point energy) to wave energies, from energies to solid matter, from solid matter to super-dense black hole CT5.
      And the tools available those of us stuck in three dimensional space are sequential, exponential change of coordinates, increasingly identical coordinate compression.  Past this all we can do is reconcile the formulas of traditional physics with a non-linear environment.***


      This is no different for CT3 or CT4 which have three dimensional characteristics.  So features independent of the time characteristics allows two dimensional CT2 and one dimensional CT1 clock features appear throughout the universe.  To understand this better, we need to think in terms of coordinate change and not in terms of true dimension. 
“Stable” Variation in clock time is observed to be a function of compression and not just location through the universe, the different clock times need to reflect how Points change relative to one another.  Whether “unstable” variation can exist or not remains to be seen, although “temporary black holes” observed in super colliders indicates this to be the case.  The good news is that Clock time theory says that these cannot become stable so that the idea of miniature black holes absorbing the earth are non-existent.  In fact, any black hole capable of existing (stably) under NLC would have to have the gravitational features of 10^32 minimal matter units which would be significantly greater than any sun we observe.

This suggests that unstable variation is a function of the “features” of the next higher state and not actual existence of that state.

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