
Saturday, March 18, 2017

AuT-25 pp2 A speaking intro and a more specific discussion of homogeniety and its disappearance of dark matter

So I'm working on doing a live presentation.
Here's me writing how I'd like to start it.
(Lecturer walks up in greek robe) I am playing parminides.  I am the Greek father of Algorithm Universe Theory although I would have looked at an algorithm very differently from you.  My very existence was preserved in history by the Moors who I would not have understood very well.  2500 years ago (I was born in 502 BC), give or take, I realized that a linear universe would not work, that the infinities between moments would swallow them whole.  I lived without cell phones or tvs or electric lights so I had plenty of time to parce this out.  I figured out the universe and yet only a small part of my knowlege survives me, fragments of a single poem, "On Nature." which I almost certainly wrote to my lover.  Much of my knowledge survives through my student Zeno.
I argued against nothingness, nothing comes from nothing, a tautology.   I was the first to say that everything must have always been, making the same mistake that Einstein would make 2000 years later, but I correctly determined that the void could not exist, realizing while not fully understanding that existence had to be finite quantum elements, although if I understood the idea of quantum mathematics, that knowledge doesn't survive me.
Zeno indicates I did.  He posed the question, if an arrow is shot at him (zeno) and it goes half the distance to him at a time it will never reach him.  This requires a quantum analysis that prevents the eternal halving of space.  Alas, he was not killed by an arrow.
Fast forward to an Italian (Pisian) Dandy.
My name is Leonardo, but I am known as Fibonacci, Figlio, the son of my father, Bonacci.  I am the mathematician who came upon the self generating series that says so much about how information theory grows.  I was born in 1175, the middle ages and witnessed none of the coming of the Rennasiance which would not start for 200 years; but I was to lay the mathematical practical basics for that in the form of a new numbering system that would allow the great banking families of east-west trade to flourish.  In that way, I played a bigger role than the Medici of Florence
In this way,  I am also connected with the Moors.  What I brought, I stole; the Hindu-Arabic numbering system that the great banking families rose with and that we use today.
Western civilization gives me credit for introducing something that had been around for hundreds of years which is the western way.  Like Parminides, I came from wealth, something of the first accountant of Pisa.  But I also unwittingly, designed the curves that make up AuT.  As Parminides is the father of AuT, I, in addressing the idea of perfectly breeding rabbits, undoubtedly at least thinking of my lover, pointed out how in the propper environment, one of neither nothing or something, could generate something from nothing with the series that is named after myself who am, after all, known by the name of my father.

It needs some work.

How space goes from homogeneous to non-homogeneous in successive big bangs.

The idea that you get overlap sufficient to generate c2 states from very long and not much curved intersecting offset ct1 spirals (with that very gradual turn associated with pi based on a numerator of 1) allows with F-series building that eventually you would have very large numbers of ct1 states overlapping to create gravity, but you still need to create the linearity associate with the equation for F-series solutions.
The creation of gravity from this linearity has interesting features.  While gravity appears to arrise from F-series lines of ct1 (1,1,2,3,5 lines) It appears very likely that the base series 0,1,1,0 phenomena would play a role.  This is necessarily a part given the compression function (F(n)^2^2 or 2^(2^1) for space
2,4,6,10,16 for ct1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively.
The homogeneous nature of space explains why it doesn't appear to be all of the dark matter.  The lack of consistency is interrupted by concentrations of matter and black hole material.  These histories form more densly within clusters of matter which explains why older galaxies have more dark matter than younger ones (more history, the hidden form of ct1 linearity).
Early on, before the latest big bang, the concentration levels that exist before the universe begins to expand again must create a homogeneous gravity before the concentrated historys begin to spread out again.  Unlike big bounce and big bang concepts, AuT recognizes an imperfect compression (increasinly perfect, but never reaching perfection) meaning that some galaxies don't fully integrate into a hot dense state although at our level of compression and that of the big bang that we saw 13 billion years ago and which will come around a little denser in a time frame set out in detail in Spirals in Amber 2nd, even the outlier galaxies might be in a precarious environment before the inflection point in the algorithm starts them outward again.  It make sense that the presence of dark matter would become steadily easier to see as more dense universes allowed for the irrigularities that grow from the more homogeneous universe if, as suggested in AuT, history is hidden (darkly) behind the present from which it is made.

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