
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

AuT ppp + doesn't mean add in AuT and equals is not

Today I checked the temperature in the outdoor pool I use.  Knowing that the minimum comfortable temperature was 72 degrees and it being close to that I did what you would expect me to do.  I managed to get in 2500 yards, only 800 im, but I'm pretty sure I lowered my body temperature by 10 degrees.  I ate and poured myself a glass of wine which I am drinking as I write this.

This blog post is coming from book 2.  It's a very different type of math that will be analysed.
First note that no one knows what they're talking about but me.  Don't hate me, embrace me.

First, Oh no, lol: problem with this analysis is that it fails to recognize super symetry.  It is stuck in a space time analysis.  All the so-called geniuses working in the sme area that I am in have the same problem.  Stuck in space-time, Einsteinian blinders chasing each other around the track instead of reading the formula.
This article is a little more intriguing because it explains what aut theory shows in a different fashion, the transition from non-linear to linear space.
There are 256 ct1 states in a single ct2 state corresponding to the change from 1 to 11 and the consequent change from
F(n)^(2^n) where n changes from 1 to 2 at one unique spot. That unique spot is where n=2 for that the equation becomes 4^(2^2).
Informationally, the results are the same.  The 4 sides come from F(n)=4 but this is only a first dimension.
However good the reasoning, the relationship to information theory is impure because of zero.
Zero is not just positive and negative, it is a function
To start direction it stays fixed, to form pi it changes.
This strange looking collection of F-series spirals does something special.  It shows what's wrong with dimensional math.
When you try to describe these at any quantum moment, you have to take several varables in place.  Let's look at some of them:
1) the length.  At x=1, spirals 2 and 3 don't exist except as potential solutions to an increase in the value of x.  At x=2 the second spiral is present but is offset from the first spiral.  The third spiral is shown as coming off the intersection of the first two and it is one of many potential spirals possible.  To understand the range, you need to look at this chart:
This indicates that at x=3 you can have 4 spirals based on F-series stacking.
But that isn't the point, being an old point and only give to put some perspective on the simplified drawing.
What you see is that 0' at x=4 is not a simple sum.  Instead the quantum moment is represented by the relative position and overlap and F-series state of the different units.  In this case, ignoring all other curves it can be said that at x=4 the following occur:
1) S1 (the first spiral) has an f-series length of 3, s2 has an f-series lenght of 2 and s3 an F-series lenght of 1.  Not only is the angle of each slightly off from one another from the initiation, but these angles have become more complex as they revolve around each other.  In addition, ct2 has overlapped a prior location of ct1, but this is probably not important unless it occurs along a quantum length of ct1 of an "active" length as opposed to a historical one.  This actually happens at the point that s2 overlaps s1 the second time and there is a relative change at this point which would allow for the aging of the two spirals were the concentrations sufficient and the length of overlap more than a point overlap and no spark occurs because there is no photonic energy nor sufficient compression even possible.
What it does show is that when we talk about "adding" and "equals" in mathematics, those terms have different means in absolute mathematics.

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