
Friday, June 9, 2017

60917 Quantum information theory and traditional physics vs Aut part 6 hologram

60917  Quantum information theory and traditional physics vs Aut part 6 hologram
It's time to get back to  the business of clarifying AuT versus other, similar information based theories and then we will get into some practical stuff about atoms and resulting forces in the next post.
It isn't religion that is under attack, unintentionally.  It is merely the idea of faith, something that otherwise requires a failure of supersymetry to exist.
If it's hard to read this, might I suggest something lighter?
Notes from Venus is now available from Createspace and Amazon, hurray.  Will there be later editions, perhaps; but this is a nice novel that only took 51 years to finish.
The plan is to do my first screenplay based on this book.  Hopefully it will not take as long to finish.

We will return in the next post to the cause and relationship of "resulting forces" in the nucleus of an atom and the presence of charge over a couple of posts, but first let us finish the differentiation of hologram and AuT theories.
The basic differentiation is the elimination of space, the Parminides aspect of the equation.  But how we prove this is logically covered in several books beginning with EHT and ending with Spirals.

When discussing this article it is important to remember that the original paper (still available for wahtever reason) was "The Einstein Hologram Universe" and was written to try to reconcile Einstein's work with that of Gerard 't Hooft and Leonard Susskind as told by Hawkins.
The issue that Einstein raised had not been ruled out but was largely ignored.  Einstein, working with insufficient data felt that the amount of information had to be defined for it to be expressed, a strange determination for someone who's work was largely based on finding equations to explain things.
The problem with Hologram theory was that it depended on geometry and hence necessarily failed the Parmenides test which, sadly, was largely lost or ignored despite the recognition of his principle and the interpretations of Zeno.
400,000 years after big bang the radiation originates.
It does however, include the idea that two dimensional information creates the universe, so the words are their even though the use of those words is incorrect.
Worse still, the blanket acceptance of the big bang as the beginning of the universe is so idiotic that looking at deviations in the background radiation and saying this tells us about the origin is just nonsense.  What it tells us is that radiation sources dating from the last inflection point reflects where things were then, all the things that we have today were, in less compressed forms, available in the prior big bang any number of years (billions) before the big bang because we are only incrementally more compressed.  Well, incremental may not be the right term because all the extra space being generated on 30 billion years will, between the next two net inflection points, be compressed exponentially even though probably not to a singular point.
The holographic phase of two dimensions applies but is not accurate because the number of solutions reflecting compression (approaching intersection in the basic model of spiral solutions) is increasing so rapidly immediately before the inflection point that it suggests, almost demands, that the number of coordinates changing at once (i.e. the amount of dimension in the universe) is higher immediately before a big bang inflection point than at any other time.  Now time in this case should be replaced with value of x; but time would exist in fact (sct) at a greater level at this same point than at any other time since as ct1 grows, there is less net average sct.
Let's talk briefly about intersection and compression.
1.  All spirals are of different length and offset from all others
2.  All spirals intersect eventually so the more that are headed towards as opposed to away from intersection will constantly be changing but the net number approach vrs departing from intersection defines whether expansion or contraction is occurring.
I'm working on book 3, a long process, but coming soon.
3.   The features of carried spirals differ from uncarried spirals as a function of how many solutions are solved at once realtive to ct1 states.

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