
Monday, June 26, 2017

venting on sunday

I could spend most of the next month on the backlog of articles to discuss that I have ready ("debunk" if you really want the truth).  The problem with AuT is that it is a little too correct for comfort.  A single variable universe is about the least romantic, least spiritual and most consistent theory of the universe.
In the last post, which should have caused more of a stir, I pointed out how basic was the transition to compression and the resulting curvature based on the underlying formula for pi, as opposed to the fictional number itself which is relatively unimportant to AuT.   The three basic sources of the algorithm, expansion, compression and the transitional element between the two were set out and yet it was received with something less than astonishment.  How unsurprising and pedantic.
You are reading my mind, not my books.  If you are not picking up on what you're reading, you should just wait for the books.  The mind spirals in on the truth, rarely is something great written without some revision, at least few things of length.  If you just read my blog, you'll eventually see the truth, you'll also see the path to the truth.  But it is a tortured path filled with brambles and deadfalls.
There is certainly a lot of teeth nashing over these posts and the inaccuracies in some of them.  Well, these are blog posts on the fundamental nature of the universe.  You have to expect a little inaccuracy, drunken weaving and irritability.  If you want something clean, ignore these and buy the books where I reconcile things, at least sort of and to the extent possible.
I actually had the audacity (audatious to myself) to appologize for a mistake!  Of course blog posts have mistakes if they are on fundamental physics.  Are you crazy?
Even so, they are more right than anythng else which is worth thinking about.
And there are snippits all over the place that are important, such as the fact that different compression levels allow for different history expressions which yield the perception of different forces.
Until you comprehend what that means in context, it's difficult to understand how imporant AuT is and how unimportant it is.

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