
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

AuT-exercise for class-interview

So I'm doing the Leeds college online free course on technical article writing or some such thing.  Here's an exercise (in sarcasm) for the class:

What?  AuT is defined as the theory of supersymmetry but is that the full story or is the story the development of the theory on this blog?  The question "what are you doing" is an interesting one.  Is that a question to me the student of the course?  I don't think so, I think that's to me the writer of the theory.  What, indeed am I doing?   My work is philosophical tainted with mathematics.  I'm trying to develop the theory enough so that I have an e=mc^2 equation for the entire universe and I'm darn close to it, having defined all the elements.  It "should be" news enough that I can explain why energy and matter are the same things and that I can, by extension eliminate all the foundations of science, thermodynamics, entropy, etc; but apparently that isn't enough for everyone.

  • What is the story?  Is it the story of genius?  Perhaps not, because what am I but a mirror.  For years science has said that force drives the equations, AuT merely reverses that, the equations drive the forces.  Is it the story of science or the end of scientific inquiry?  The story perhaps is that the story was already written long before I sat down in the ashes of my world and began to take a hard look at yours.  The greatest physicist of our time, who is not a physicist at all, a chemist trespassing, a patent clerk, a bit of irony; the physicist who proves not physics but the mirror image, scisyhp, the study of the opposite view of things.
  • What are you doing?  I am not changing anything, i am merely stepping through the looking glass so I can see from the otherside, all seriousness becomes foolishness, but what does foolishness become?  Or does it somehow cease to exist, stripped bare of relevance.

Why?  Why indeed?  Why does it matter.  Supersymmetry means ultimately that it doesn't matter.  Who gives a flying farthing (it's leeds college) (what's a farthing anyway?) what happens next if its going to happen no matter what?  The real answers and the perceived answers are totally different to this question.  Both should be answered.  The truth is that I'm doing the work of the reader of this blog in this exercise, your welcome.

  • Why does this matter? 1) It doesn't 2) it explains everything in o-space, doesn't even start on g-space really; that's where the meat is.
  • Why are you doing it? 1) The algorithm makes me do what I do, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  2) And is a work based entirely on love, the illusion of an uncontrolled force in a self determined universe, an anomally of sorts.  If I can explain the universe, do what no one else has done, even though it self disproves the point, then am I not worthy of the love I feel?  Don't answer that question, it's self defeating.
  • Why should the reader care?  1) The reader shouldn't care, self determination is an illusion, and yet the reader should care about little else since it adds logic to all the insanity in the world and the universe around us.  Ultimately, it may allow for a manipulation of the universe that is otherwise unavailable, we move into space because we're destined to do so, the car floats because it always did and entropy, being non-existent, can be manipulated in ways we've never imagined.  2) I mean serious, supersymmetry and I have to explain why you should care?  And yet, you should hide from it.   I'm not costing anyone anything in this inquiry, I should be using this exercise to write a grant application, and ultimately I will, but first I must suffer because only in suffering are people made worthy and the outcome must be one of great irony to be worth telling in this universe.  The theory must be ignored and lost, or accepted after my death, etc.  Parminides was forgotten, except by the Greek Muse, Leonardo lost his fame to a leaning tower.  The theory will doom me perhaps.


  • Where is it happening?  1) In my mind?  Isn't the idea of location anti-thetical to AuT?  Such a confusing question.  2) I don't talk about location much.  My heart, after all, is not in the same place as the rest of me, if you incorrectly accept location as a thing.  And when?  I am sleepless in the morning, again I sit waiting for the sun to rise, the sky is turning light, but the tree tops are not yet touched with any direct light.
  • Where will it be used in future?  It will end everything when it is known and it will begin something different.  Will we as a people ever know it?  What effect did it have on parminides who actually knew it, who may have lived to see it fading into something abstract, the true genious lost.  Leonardo, he didn't really know what he had, and he was not a student of parminides, at least not obviously, and yet he we to the east to steal his math, is it not possible that he dug up the lost work of parminides?  did he know what he held, or was it only numbers.  Were I writing that article, you know my premises, that he laid the mathematically required groundwork for the Renaissance, but that is a different article.


  • Who is doing the work?  1) The algorithm? 2) Me?  And yet my work is built on the work of many others.  I occasionally take the time to look for the math behind this and find little snippets out there.  The more I look away from myself, the more I find it.  And while I'm ahead of many others philosophically, I see a lot of math out there.
  • Who is an ally?   Who indeed, certainly those others who work with information theory, but they are allies who would seek to strip me of my relevance, to argue that even though I appear ahead of them, I am somehow behind, their books will write around mine, use different language, win the prizes that I say are mine for a purpose that we both ignore because of the peril it causes to our sense of being.
  • Who is a rival? All of science, thermodyamical maniacle scientists, who would throw me under the bus lest they have to give up the cherished false quark gods and clown forces, the work of illusionists and magicians.
  • Who is paying for it? No one, at least not anyone else.  I am Dr. Frankenstein, working alone in my laboratory, frittering away whatever wealth I have to build a monster I cannot control.  Does that make it less important or more noble?  In a theory that describes nobility as an irrelevant effect, isn't it ironic enough for the universe that this is an exercise at leeds, in the europe of nobility central?  A place that still hangs onto royalty and lords?

When?  Ahh, time exists no more than space.

  • When did this happen?  I have a specific starting point.  It's in this blog, the first posts on hawkins and holograms.  2012 wasn't it.  The world was falling apart around me, half buried under the rubble of my life and the muse dug me out.
  • What steps preceded the news?  Isn't that the purpose of this exercise, to make it news?  Perhaps this is the question, how  was the theory developed, that goes best with the answer to the first when question.  The theory is built on the ruins of a life and also on the ruins of its predecessors, not just that of pre-AuT physics, but also on the early versions of the theory itself.
  • What are the next stages and when will they happen?   The only real step remaining is to define an algorithm which builds compression from the three basic parts that we laid out already, years ago in general and yet only recently in a more specific post.  Perhaps I will do that and perhaps I will not, but the three pieces are there, expansion, compression and the rule that ties them together, in this case the pi variable, not the number pi, but the building block for pi solutions of the various types envisioned.  Ahhh, even as I write this the light brightens, the sun must have at last peaked over the horizen, yes, the universe says, yes, get close, I will bury you in irony.

Interviewing experts

When you’re interviewing individuals to gather information, remember the following points:
  • Make sure you listen to the answer. If their answer doesn’t give you the information you’re after, ask again.
  • Ask your interviewee who else is working in this area that might be good to talk to – either competitor or collaborator.
  • Remember, your role is not to promote the person you are interviewing, but to gather information from all sides of a story.
  • I was not able to do this part of the lesson because of a formatting issue although I will come back to it.  I was able to see the first question in the exercise, what 3 questions would you ask the?
  • Why 3?  Why not the one most important question.  Enough for now, the sun has lit the sky if not the tree tops, it is time for me move on, I will return here perhaps.

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