
Saturday, June 10, 2017

x06/10/17 7 Quantum information theory and traditional physics vs Aut part 7 relative force and size based on exchange

It's largely true, which I can tell because I'm so much smarter than everyone else (I'm considering a book called "among the normal people" setting out my childhood as an isolated genius) that one day Einstein's work will be looked at like Achemedes' work compared to mine, accurate, brilliant, but only a shadow of what was to come.
That isn't to detract from Einstein or Archemedes who both did something I could not have done with what they had.  I, however, had their work (and others) so I was able to get behind their truth to one that is a more accurate, although more depressing.
I've written many times that supersymetry is the most depressing thing that could be determined.  I haven't always used those terms, but that's what it all means.  It means that "genius" had nothing to do with anyone's work, including mine.  IT means that the purpose of human existence is nothing, an effect like force, not a cause.
The worst part of this is that knowing what I know; and few know it as well as I do, I should be the most ego-centric person in the world.  This is not because of any brilliance on my part, mind you, but only because it means that I know better than to buy into some religious or morality based concept than anyone who ever lived before me.  I am an athiest's atheist, not because I don't believe in god, but because I know what god is (at least to us) and it isn't that big a deal; sort of like the train track that the train runs on except that track cannot be broken.  The goal of the rest of my inquiry ultimately, to give life purpose, must be to do the impossible, that is to break the train track.  If I cannot derail the universe, then I am pointless, and being pointless I should do what's good for me and to hell with the rest of you.  And yet, I am the most morally held back person that ever lived.  I am so morally conflicted that everything I do hurts everybody around me, not just some select few and most of all myself.  I will essentially kill myself slowly for altruist reasons when I have every reason to beleive the altruism is as illusory as self determination.
I am the great mind of this age of quantum physics, you can become famous by ordering my books, imagine how rare volume 1 of Algorithm universe theory, first edition is since there will never be another printing.  Order the first edition volume 2 while you can, lol.  And yet, I am the great idiot of quantum mechanics, the king's fool.  I don't understand it.

Anyway, enough rambling, on to the next section.

The real break-away material for this is in Algorithm Universe Theory Book 2, but a lot of that is going to be covered here from a different perspective for book 3 which is in process, so far at 40,000 words and sure to get bigger.
I'm doing a new numbering system so I can keep track of what's added from here and what isn't. It's my hope that when book 3 is published it will have some updated mathematical formulas based on the rules set out in Book 2 and whatever else I can cram into that book before moving on to book 4 which isn't even separated out of Spirals yet.

We're going to look closely now at forces and ct states.  Is all of this certain?  Perhaps not, but its based on what is available and the time I have which is necessarily limited.
So we have these compressive forces that cause electron type ct4 states to compress according to a ct5 state state at very high concentrations as protons and neutrons.  These in turn combine in high compressive ct4 state (suns in particular, but also in localized high rate compression states) to combine proton and neutron reversibly as fission and fusion.
There are two separate parts to this.
One is the ct4 state to what I guess I need to call the ct4.5 state of neutrons (aka proton/electron pairs) and the second is the ct4.7 state of paired ct4.5 states.
While the existence of protons vs neutrons is important, the "resulting force" that results from mathematical exchange between the minimum ct4 states (not to be confused with the fictitious quark) in proximity (close solution order with shared ct1 exchange) and with the specific number of the neutrons (including proton/electron pairs) is the ct5 level strong force.
Mass (g)
Mass (amu)
1.6727 x 10-24 g
1.6750 x 10-24 g
9.110 x 10-28 g

The mass number show that the difference between a neutron and electron (viewed here as the minimal ct4 state) is only 10^4.
Our F-series analysis (F(n)^(2^n) suggests that this is a function of n-2 or photonic scale and hence the exchange rate difference is the difference in the number of ct2 states shared during a given change in the value of x because the proximate solution distance is very small and hence only a few ct2 states are present to be exchanged.
The suggestion is that even though the strong force is a ct5 state change, the compressive state is a function of ct2 state compression.  How is this possible?
The first question is does this even matter, and the answer is that it probably does because of what we've been talking about with magnetism's relationship to the strong force.  In review:
  Magnetism is an effect resulting from ct1-ct2 exchange in the presence of ct4 for ct3 states.  That is the movement of the wave energy (ct3) through ct4 creates a ct1-ct2 exchange in the form of magnetism under certain geometries.
 The weak force is suggested to be the effect of ct5 on this same ct1-ct2 exchange, hence the relationship of those two forces.
The strong force is a change in ct3-ct4 states in the presence of ct5 type compression.
What's missing?  The missing element is the ct2-ct3 effect which might be what happens to the ct1-ct2 state changes yielding the weak nuclear force which is the same ct1-ct2 state when it is at a high rate due to proximity to ct5 compression of ct4 in the nucleus.  That is you have exactly the same electromagnetic result, but the exchange rate is so high that the ct-ct2 exchanges are themselves shared.
Electron and protons are negative and positive charges of the same magnitude, 1.6 × 10-19 Coulombs and the forces between them are electromagnetic which can be a ct2 state effect (a f(2)^2^2 effect).
AuT suggests that the relationship of Electrons to Protons is that a Proton is one electron short of a neutron.  Why is that very important?  The reason is that if a neutron is built from electrons (almost a given in AuT) then why doesn't a proton have a massively more negative charge than an electron instead of a positive one.
The answer is that in combining spirals you have a carrier in one direction and the carried intersecting from the opposite direction.  These are, however, highly compressed resulting solutions in ct4 states (lots of ct3 which is in turn lots of ct2 which is lots of ct1 and the exchange between these and their surroundings of ct1 is very high based on the 1:256 rate which is only internally slowed by sharing ct1 states).  What this suggests is that while carried, the carried ct3 states take on a neutral result or else they take on alternating results so that either the carrier is the sole charged state or there is a state exchange (plus/minus/plus/minus/plus, etc).   The discussion of which is suggested has been covered, but will be discussed further in a separate post.
A book can, and probably will, be written on this process, but for now it is largely covered in Book 2.

So we have these compressive forces that cause electron type ct4 states to compress according to a ct5 state state at very high concentrations as protons and neutrons.  These in turn combine in high compressive ct4 state (suns in particular, but also in localized high rate compression states) to combine proton and neutron reversibly as fission and fusion.
There are two separate parts to this.
One is the ct4 state to what I guess I need to call the ct4.5 state of neutrons (aka proton/electron pairs) and the second is the ct4.7 state of paired ct4.5 states.
While the existence of protons vs neutrons is important, the "resulting force" that results from mathematical exchange between the minimum ct4 states (not to be confused with the fictitious quark) in proximity (close solution order with shared ct1 exchange) and with the specific number of the neutrons (including proton/electron pairs) is the ct5 level strong force.
Mass (g)
Mass (amu)
1.6727 x 10-24 g
1.6750 x 10-24 g
9.110 x 10-28 g

The mass number show that the difference between a neutron and electron (viewed here as the minimal ct4 state) is only 10^4.
Our F-series analysis (F(n)^(2^n) suggests that this is a function of n-2 or photonic scale and hence the exchange rate difference is the difference in the number of ct2 states shared during a given change in the value of x because the proximate solution distance is very small and hence only a few ct2 states are present to be exchanged.
The suggestion is that even though the strong force is a ct5 state change, the compressive state is a function of ct2 state compression.  How is this possible?
The first question is does this even matter, and the answer is that it probably does because of what we've been talking about with magnetism's relationship to the strong force.  In review:
  Magnetism is an effect resulting from ct1-ct2 exchange in the presence of ct4 for ct3 states.  That is the movement of the wave energy (ct3) through ct4 creates a ct1-ct2 exchange in the form of magnetism under certain geometries.
 The weak force is suggested to be the effect of ct5 on this same ct1-ct2 exchange, hence the relationship of those two forces.
The strong force is a change in ct3-ct4 states in the presence of ct5 type compression.
What's missing?  The missing element is the ct2-ct3 effect which might be what happens to the ct1-ct2 state changes yielding the weak nuclear force which is the same ct1-ct2 state when it is at a high rate due to proximity to ct5 compression of ct4 in the nucleus.  That is you have exactly the same electromagnetic result, but the exchange rate is so high that the ct-ct2 exchanges are themselves shared.
Electron and protons are negative and positive charges of the same magnitude, 1.6 × 10-19 Coulombs and the forces between them are electromagnetic which can be a ct2 state effect (a f(2)^2^2 effect).
AuT suggests that the relationship of Electrons to Protons is that a Proton is one electron short of a neutron.  Why is that very important?  The reason is that if a neutron is built from electrons (almost a given in AuT) then why doesn't a proton have a massively more negative charge than an electron instead of a positive one.
The answer is that in combining spirals you have a carrier in one direction and the carried intersecting from the opposite direction.  These are, however, highly compressed resulting solutions in ct4 states (lots of ct3 which is in turn lots of ct2 which is lots of ct1 and the exchange between these and their surroundings of ct1 is very high based on the 1:256 rate which is only internally slowed by sharing ct1 states).  What this suggests is that while carried, the carried ct3 states take on a neutral result or else they take on alternating results so that either the carrier is the sole charged state or there is a state exchange (plus/minus/plus/minus/plus, etc).   The discussion of which is suggested has been covered, but will be discussed further in a separate post.
A book can, and probably will, be written on this process, but for now it is largely covered in Book 2 and will be covered in additional detail in book 3.

How about this old hack?  Well worth getting to have the complete collection.

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