
Monday, March 9, 2015

my road to redemption and back-me and the devil

2600 yards and run with the stupid dog, I am a machine.  A fairly rusty one, but a machine nonetheless.  Before I justify your opinion that I am satanic is some respects, let us talk of some key words, evolution, intelligent design, atheism and fundamentalism.  Then we can talk of the end of days and what a horror I really am.
This will deal somewhat with my physics which doesn't ask for god, but does show how a type of god is mathematically possible, perhaps even mandated, but not your god, the all knowing one and being all knowing he cannot change a thing, not a single god damned thing, because he already knows what will happen and in fact has made it happen.
But, of course, if I am the spawn of satan as you apparently want to believe, I must be an outlier, imbued with true self determination, the random element in a non-random universe.  Must it be that all my machinations of the past are Machevalean.  Yes, it is true, I merely manipulate you, I can plan 25, 30 years in advance and toy with you just for my own whim.  I don't really like you, don't even like sex with you (male or female) it is merely a tool for some purpose, much too complex to explain.
But we were talking about dogs and evolution.  The dog is a wonderful tool, that freed up the hand, finds necessary things, food and water, warns of danger and in a pinch an excellent source of protein and warmth.  The perfect companion for primitive man.  An evolved relationship.
Now we come to the part where simplification of complication and the meeting of all minds occurs.
For the principles that give rise to evolution, the math and chemistry, are the same ones that give rise to predestination.  And what is predestination but design.  It may or may not be intelligent, but if you believe in evolution fundamentally, you believe in predestination because the same features that dictate evolution dictate a given outcome of all things.
And this means the atheist and the fundamentalist religious both have no more choice in their beliefs than the rocks under your feet.  It is equally likely there is a god as not, the unbelievability of existence makes an absolute complication like god possible and in fact, predestination requires a set of fixed rules which are much a god as anything else predicted by NLT.
And I am no more an outlier than the man in the moon which himself is a fiction.  IT doesn't justify my evilness that you are so sure of, it merely means that I am as innocent as anyone else, St Paul, Hitler or you.  We are all equally capable of doing the right thing and the wrong thing, but we're destined to do it, I don't need to go back 25 years to start to sin, I sin all along.  I didn't have to wait to give you a chance, but, of course, I did anyway. So what are you doing to help me or destroy me?  You should do one or the other.
The end of the world may be some whimpering thing, but if we master time so we can see the past and the future which are, in my mind and by my math fixed in stone, all of our arguments and lovemaking will appear to us we will see our birth and our death and that will kill us.
And I am not immune to love and I will not kick my dog though some times I want to.

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