
Saturday, March 14, 2015

my road to virtue and back-intro 2

The booths were a dark stained wood, the walls teak boards a reflection of better times.  The lighting was equally ancient, the bulbs barely shedding enough light to break the gloom, more light coming from distant street lights through the rain.
"What's the most important thing in life," the stranger asked the regular.
The regular thought for a minute, "I've never really tried to prioritize things.  I guess my answer woudl be to live a life worth living."
The stranger reached across the table with the wet sleeve, then pulled in back, "You think your life is worth living?    When was the last time you risked everything?"
"I don't know if I"ve ever risked everything, I've risked a lot..."
"You've risked nothing." He said, releasing his grasp, draining his glass and refilling it himself.  "The waste that is your life is because you haven't risked everything."
"What have you risked?"
"I risked my life to find a thrill, I risked my fortune to make a bigger fortune, You think you know what love is?"
"I...I guess so."
"You guess so!  Have you ever risked everything for love?"  The stranger asked, this time reaching across the booth with the dry arm to grasp the regular.  "I risked everything for love."
"Did it work out?"
There was a long silence.
The stranger looked over the regular's shoulder.  He said nothing, his eyes seemed to be focused on something a long, long way away.
"Everything, did I risked everything?" he mumbled.  His hand held the glass, but the contents were forgotten.
Then, as if he was talking to an audience, he began.  "It was a sunny winter day in 2004.  The great storm had not come yet.  I was driving to Mississippi to try to collect a small amount of money that was owed to me..."

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