
Friday, March 6, 2015

my road to virtue and back-understanding

Every once in a while, you have one of those "aha" moments in life.
When I started to write this particular post, I was sitting in an eye doctor's office, considering my upcoming blindness and the limitations that would impose on snow-skiing, also bemoaning my economic status as I felt the soles peeling off the 10 year old running shoes that had passed the falling apart stage and were held together my little more than gravity.  Huge sections of the soles flapping in as I moved my feet like so many flags in a breeze.
I had other things bothering me.  The 3 hour delay waiting to see the doctor among them.  Then there was the pig-headedness of those who feel that attaching a label to you they can get rid of you.  I thought about the foolishness of power in a relationship.  There is no fixed power, it is only what one person gives up for another.  There is a quote in the book, the last part of which I won't use since I don't like to be overly spiritual.  There is a fixed amount of spirituality beyond which I don't travel without a champagne bottle full of holy water and at least a 38 caliber with silver bullets.
The quote, however: power said to the world you are mine; love said to the world i am yours.  That is what power is about in relationships.  Relationships about understanding, take in everything and evaluating it 3 times, not just once.
Anyway, I was feeling pretty beat up with my blindness and my rotting shoes, and today I'm in the grocery store and a middle aged thalidomide sufferer, is happily talking to me while filling my grocery bag with hands attached to his shoulders like flappers and I think, "ok, got it.  Quit whining about my problems."
I'm feeling pretty forgiving, taking everything in, evaluating it one body part at a time; body, heart and soul, the last of which I don't remember studying in comparative anatomy and which apparently doesn't even belong to me.

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