
Thursday, March 5, 2015

my road to virtue and back-soul profiling

First it's hard to believe that these few questions can bring about communication with your soul.  My notes on this were illegible, so I may have the wrong questions and I may need to write some of my own down to be happy.
But, Yes, apparently all you need to do is answer a few questions to get your deepest intentions, true purposes, foundation of all else.  Since I am undertaking this process for myself right now I will share the questions, but not the answers.
1) What do you want to contribute with your life.  The strange thing about this question is that it is very similar to the conclusion I reached when I started writing around 2007.  My concept was that my life was pretty much over and I should do what I want to do.  In the interest of my travels to virtue and back this was the first step on the road to virtue
2) Purpose in what I do-what?  what on earth was I saying here?  Am I supposed to find the purpose in what I do, or do what I have for a purpose?  The meaning of my notes are unclear to me.  I will have to review this.  Perhaps in looking for the purpose in what I do, it is similar to the first question, or perhaps it means ask what the purpose of what I'm doing now is.
3) how do I feel.  How do I feel about what I am doing?  What do I feel about what I want to contribute?  what do I feel, just what do I feel?
4) who are my heroes?  This is an interesting question.  I know the author's answers dealt with people like ghandi and quasi fictional hindu spiritual figures.  I'm not sure who my heroes are, in that respect, perhaps I am more lost than most people.  Diversion-I am listening to a part on the dark side of people, jealousy, dispair, greed, things like that which bring us down.  The philosophy is not to bury those things, but to accept that they are part of the soul, necessary to complete the balanced life force that is light and darkness and to be accepted, but not to let them take over, much as in transendental meditation you let the bad thoughts come in and float away as your concentrate on your matra, but that last observation is mine, not his.
5) what are the qualities in my best friend.  This is an interesting one, which is far too personal, for my best friend may well not know it, despite my repeated representations adn where would I start with that complex mix of qualities.
6) what do I see as my unique skills.  Ah, how interesting.  and later, he points out the importance of never thinking you are more important than those you lead, despite your success.
7) best qualities in personal relationships-this one is as full of issues as the one regarding friendship and is signficant.
8) what would be my brief profile as I'd use describing myself as a thrid person.  Again, a very unique thing.  Apparently, you answer these questions (whatever 2 and 3 really are) and you're in touch with your soul.  This is personal and while I intend to do this, I suspect that I will not share it, but who knows.

The next part is to define your Personal vision:
This is apparently tied closely to the soul thing above.  It is arrived at by filling the in the blanks in sentences:
=live in a world in which
-inspired to work in an organization that
-proud to lead a team that
-transformed world would be

It is a lot for tonight and I have much else to do, such as examine (not mock, it just appears to be mocking) Alabama's gay ruling some more.

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