
Friday, February 12, 2016

nlc and gravity waves II

The reason that gravity waves (or not) don't affect NLC is that NLC allows for, but doesn't require gravity waves.  This compares with BOSONS which NLC firmly rejects.  Why you ask?
The reason is quite simple, gravity exists.  If gravity exists its features should be consistent with what traditional physics shows just as relativity doesn't reject newton, it merely explains Newton.
More to the point, the purpose of NLC is not to replace relativity or, more particularly, space time, but merely to explain why what we call space time exists at all.
To understand this, one has to look at the reason for the existence of NLC as a theory.  The universe is far too complex to exist.  Einstein and others working in traditional physics took the universe existence for granted and attempted to fathom the rules.  This is like accepting a god and trying to derive rules for worshiping god without understanding what god is and what god would be looking for.  People make up rules and hope that their set works.  They are surprisingly similar going back 5000 years, but somehow boil down to loving your neighbor, but killing him if he's on the wrong side of your god.  But I digress.
So NLC rejects the idea of a spontaneous universe and also rejects the idea of a god based universe unless g-space is better defined.  In fact, I have two posts on g-space which this whole rigmarole about gravity waves has put on the back burner.  I want to address gravity waves in some depth, but only to show that they serve little purpose other than to confirm that physics exists, something we already knew.  The question NLC addresses is "why does physics exist?"  It's not necessarily a more practical question, but its a more fundamental question.
Hence gravity waves or not are only important to the extent that they can be supported by NLC and the answer is that NLC must be able to support any observed phenomena, or it doesn't exist.  Like Einstein in his famous quote, I know that NLC exists because it works.  But NLC allows, perhaps even requires, that physics be allowed to change.  This change is reflected not only in successive big-bangs giving rise to higher time states but also by the proposed linear spiral nature of the underlying algorithms (see the book for more on this).
So let's look at spacetime for just a second in terms of NLC.  NLC says that spacetime is an illusion with features defined by algorithms expressing data.  The existence of the data and algorithms together requires that there be "features" to the universe so expressed.  Space time is a feature that primarily results from the lowest spiral algorithms which express themselves in what we observe as space.  Gravity is also an illusion, but it is the illusion that is observed by moving from one quantum state to the next quantum state moving with traditional clock time.  There is an anti-gravity which is merely following the quantum states in the opposite direction.
Since the data is resilient (it doesn't change) so too is space time resilient (the events of a moment ago continue notwithstanding the fact that our consciousness moves on). However, space time is also a function of higher clock times.  In fact, standard clock time (compared to movement along the spiral) exists in all likelihood only because of clock times that exist past the matter-state clock time of ct4.  That is, in the absence of black holes (ct5 clock time states) ct4 (matter) would not experience clock time for lack of a reference point.  It is like looking down on a map.  If you were on the map, you could not see the entire map or use it to find where to go.  Given the higher reference point of the third dimension (looking down on a plane) you suddenly experience a greater understanding.  In the case of CT5, we don't exist in CT5, but only experience its effect and this is one of the more "avaunt guard" concepts of NLC and not one of its foundations.  I digress again.
The point is, that spacetime being an illusion, the effects of spacetime are pre-defined and all that really matters is determining what pre-defines it.  That should lead to a set of answers that define the character of space time better, just as space-time defines fundamental newtonian physics better.  To ask about the effect of spacetime on NLC is to ask what the effect is on a cd when the movie on the cd is played out.  There is no effect, one is merely the reflection of the other.
Under the theory of NLC the universe forces me to type this, forces you to read it (or not).  Understanding the forces that require this require that we understand how a universe as complex as ours can arise from g-space where there are no yes/no data points, but where everything is just potential (the starting point of the posts I mentioned about g-space and yet another digression).
Spontaneous generation of the universe is one reason why Fibonacci Series are used to define two intersecting spirals.  F-series are self generating.  The reasons for two intersecting spirals is to allow for exponential compression such as that which is observed and to provide a mechanism for successive big bangs leading to higher clock times and because it better explains spontaneous origins since spontaneity in one direction suggests an anti-spontaneity in the other with the result in the case of spirals that the two end up cancelling each other out and allowing for non-linearity.
However, time and data remain two sides of the same coin and the coil in NLC is resilient so keep your moments safe as they will continue into what we'd view as eternity.
The big point to be derived from all of this, then, is the study of the two ct5 states (black holes) that combined in order to create the gravity waves.  The pre-combination and post-combination should track closely the "fundamental particle" ratio for black holes (10^16 as opposed to 10^8 for energy to matter).
This is discussed in detail in the book, but this feature has to be addressed in the description of the combination and released energy from two black holes "spiraling" together to form a larger black hole.  This spiraling, of course, is a function of the direction of gravity which is the final leg supporting the use of F-Series spirals as a mechanism for expressing the resilient data.

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