
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

NLC and a spiral in groundhog day

Ground hog day gets closest to being right, the movie, not the weather prediction.
The infinite universe model portrayed, however, has its core flaw.  The flaw lies in the character's ability to change physics.  When the character played by Bill Murray says "I am a god" or some such line, he is correctly defining his role in the fantasy.  Only in g-space is anyone able to alter events.
That being said, they are fixed.  We cannot, unless we obtain the power of god(s), change any moment in the past and our ability to correct the failings of the future is limited on a quantum scale by rules which are the background algorithms of NLC and which are 'reflected' by the rules of physics.
I am fairly satisfied with the theory, albeit uncomfortable with the complexity of the aftermath.  While many of you would question the ability of such a simple model (correctly I must say) to yield such a complex result (the universe) one must understand that the rules of physics which we all accept as yielding the universe are more or less simple rules. 2gm/d is escape velocity, what we need to get out of this mess we're in. It's not that complicated of a rule.  The same rule ties the entire universe together in terms of gravity.
But is it a simple rule?  It is in NLC, but not in any other theory.  If you abandon NLC, you have to figure out what M1, M2 and the gravitational constant is (note that gm is only valid for the earth but m1*m2/d^2 work everywhere else to the same effect.  You also need to figure out what d is, no easy task according to Parminides and Zeno.  Once you get to that point, you have to figure out why.
 If anything, NLC focusing on the necessity of information generated and interacting according to a single fixed algorithm (or a few separate algorithms if that proves to be the case) is a nearly infinitely easier model to accept both in terms of origin and explanation.  Here let me point out that the linear F-series intersecting spiral model is only used because it is one of the easiest self generating algorithm you can come up and is largely observed conceptually if not exactly in the universe and fundamental forces examined.  I say that I deserve the nobel prize and some significant stipend to explore further just with the concept anyway, irregardless if I get it or not since there is precious little you can do about it; because whatever you've done you've done already and will do into eternity.
But groundhog day and the creation of heaven and hell are the topics I want to discuss while I finish my coffee.  In NLC, the importance of the illusion of self determination is that we create our fixed lives.  Whether your life so far, now or in the future is a heaven or hell is yours to create.  My hell is that I created it not only for myself but for everyone around me, everyone who touch me, directly or not, is dragged to some extent or another into my heaven and without my intention, into my hell.
And so it appears Greg Lake, not Bill Murphy, got it right in Christmas and not Ground Hog Day.

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