
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

nlc-mainstream science getting closer, one old idea at a time-gravity waves

What are gravity waves that they should be "found".  This is the same as "finding" Higgs Bosons (not).  As you can see from past posts, when the mainstream science community said that they had finally justified the finding of the HB, thereby justifying the nobel prize for that discovery, I was quick to point out that in time the finding would be in error. Surprise, I was right.  As was stated by the far seeing "Firesign Theater", "There are no Bozon's on this bus." (or something like that).
Now the big question, is how do I interpret the idea of gravity waves.  In this case, I can be a little kinder.
Now this isn't because the findings of the mainstream community are not largely accurate, but is instead because their accuracy is limited by the assumptions that are, well incorrect is the term I'm looking for.
In the case of gravity waves, however, they have a special place in Non-linear coordinate theory.  This is because the spiraling nature of gravity is the source of much of the modeling that allowed NLC to be developed.  Waves are the open appearance of gravitational spirals viewed as moving entities.  The movement of the universe and the structures developed reflect spirals.
More on this follows.

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