
Wednesday, September 15, 2021


I slept about the same length of time, but more restless, awake more, hours instead of minutes in REM sleep; not even minutes of deep sleep, nightmares about our future, rattle snakes coming out of pools of water and people who disappeared when I went to get help; strange vehicles with too many steering wheels, friends loosing interest in things I don't understand.

White signal in this day and age has to be considered in terms of context.  When the only mass transportation in the area was a horse drawn wagon, White Signal was named for a nearby outcropping of reflective white quartz; early residents thought the reflected sunlight resembled a signal.  I have seen the quartz, it has an almost painful brightness.

I suppose it is a part of my state of mind that I see things that are coincidences as signs.

I found out today that I am much busier than I thought and there is a lot of work waiting for my attention already.  I worked hard today, I also exercised more than I needed to and I hope that I willl sleep through the night, whether that is likely or not.

I plan to read into the night instead of doing the work which I could never finish without a little more sleep anyway.

The breeze is consant, but not strong yet.  I wonder how to fix things in my life, I think of the comfort that I crave and I am, at this moment, as far from it as I could ever get.

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