
Saturday, April 2, 2016

AuT equations with base/exponential-rough draft of the F-series version of e=mc^2

This is one of those blog posts that should be saved for the next book, but I give this to you now because since this comes from you in essence, though it really comes from Parmenides more or less, who figured it out in Principle in Greece 2500 years ago, and you stole it from him.
It is intuitive that AuT is the proper method for exploring QM, but the question of how the equations of stacked spirals work in non-overlapped and overlapped models and the transition between the two.  These equations could have evolved in the past they don't evolve in our universe, so we have to have algorithms that adapt on their own.
A simple example of this are reflected in fusion reactions that build to higher states of compression within the time states represented.
A very simple example would be (y=x+1)in base (x or y).  Base represents the the state where numbers transition to a higher state and could easily replaced with the exponential function, e.g. y=x+1^(x or y)
Here are how this relatively simple F-series type transition would look
x       y=x+1 base x                y=x+1 base y
0        undefined                     1
1        1                                   2
2       2
3       3

but this changes radically if y=x-1 (or x-y) and these are just examples.
What you are looking for are the actual F-series equations at hand which provide a basis for a universe built according to what we observe.  This is, of course, a trivial exercise at this point in time, at least in terms of getting rough equivalents.  To do this we already know the tools we have and the results we need to get to.
What we need is a function that does the following with the following tools:
1) Turns 90 degrees (nothing that degrees=radiansx180/pi
This function is far from perfect, but using the F series to define the degrees
2) a 10^2^n conversion at ct3-ct4
3) uses a f-series formulation
This is my first draft so those of you who would take me to task on the actual results are just sore losers since I am clearly farther advanced in my understanding than everyone who will read this in the future other than those who obtained it from me.  All I can say is that you're welcome and I apologize for being smarter than you, the price I paid for this and continue to pay for it is quite dear.
The rough equation looks like this (the equivalent of the first version of e=mc^2 but more accurate in terms of origin):

xI(from 0 to T)(gsin(pi/2x)x(FseriesFunction)^2^x)+(-gsin(pi2x(xFseriesFunction)dx

You get a similar result using e (1+1/x)^x
Where the integration from zero to T(total information) is the function for change of x according to the F series
g is a function to deal with variations observed to yield the amount of mass or gravity based on the amount of information and to round out the rough parameters of the information generated in terms of constants for each time state.  Since the geometry of space can change, this is a simplified version of the equation based on space as we experience it at the ct3-ct4 boundary and not necessary the current state of the universe or past or future states of the universe as a whole.
sin(pi/2x) is a function which yields 90 degree turns for each increase in x
F series function is a function of the Fibonacci series which yields the appropriate power to get 10 at the ct4 location: e.g.
0    not used         FseriesFunction (all but 0,1,1)            FseriesFunction(last 3)
1    not used
1    not used ct1
2     used ct2             2 (alone)                                                 4 or 2
3     used ct3              5 (add ct2)                                             6 or 5
5     used ct4 (us)      10 (add ct2 and ct3)                               10 or 11
8     used ct5)            18 (ct2,3 and 4)                                      16 or 18 (16 assumed)
If we use the last 3, (16 for ct5) one benefit is solving one of the problems of NLC.  16^32 yields 3.4x10^38 which is equal to the minimum size of black holes.  Once you go to 18 you get 1.4x10^40 which is a problem.  Unfortunately, why you'd only use the last 3 is not indicated in the theory and is forcing the solution even though it fits well.
Some of the problems with this simplified analysis:
1) The change is not gradual, but occurs only at intersections
2) The change is only at 180 degrees and not each 90 degree turn.  I don't believe that the methodology of getting to any of these is not obvious since its simple addition although the function is different.  One predicted feature is an intersection, and hence compression, every 180 degrees.

Of course, ct1 could be used in which case the equation for e=mc^2 would have to be revised which is not indicated, but might work out in certain circumstances, such as by including the space mass dispersion referred to in previous posts.
3) This formula only defines the shape of the primary spirals and the scope of compression.  It does not affect the design or interaction of the overall model that yields the appearance of randomness and that is speculated to be based on a construction of individual F-series universes created in series and interaction based on the number of common states of each.
This means that the solution inconsistency we discussed in connection with the mass of black holes can be solved using, for example one one of the provisions for the F-series function.
4) There is only a partial conversion at each turn.  This turning appears to be based on the 55% intersection rate, but we are only at 10% which suggests a different conversion rate.  It isn't near the scale of the F-series function but it could be a combination of the two.  We are at 10% in a universe where the F-series number is either 13 or 21.
5) This doesn't describe the relationship between the different states of clock time that cause them to merge together at high concentrations and proximity within related spirals nor does it define the relationship between two separate spirals but is, instead, only a function of a single spiral reaching higher levels of concentration internally.

I have not solved all these, even in a rough model yet, but I will, just to show how it can be done.  If it works out, then this yields the mathematical equivalent of e=mc^2 for all states of information and is also the equivalent of putting all physicists (male and female) over my knee and giving them a spanking.
Can you feel it?

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