
Friday, April 22, 2016

Putting off the hard stuff

I am apparently down to one or two of the more challenging posts.  i'm still shooting for an early May publication date for Volume 1 of the second edition.  That will mean leaving a lot of the math for the second edition, but it will give the newest version of the entire project in one fell swoop and will put me in a position where a fully formed theory going far, far beyond the big bang is a reality, not that it doesn't appear in a more disjointed form in this blog.
It will have a lot more consistency.  The current first edition is not even legible to me now.  I have moved on.
It is very green today. The pool is green and contains a pair of my glasses I dropped into its murk while I wasn't paying attention, hadn't prepared enough.  Preparing and paying attention would have simply meant removing the glasses from my pocket before I bent over.
  I've started the process of making the pool clear again, but before I do the next step I have to go into that now highly chlorinated bog and try to find my glasses or write them off, something I'm not willing to do without trying.  It will be the second time I've gone in there this year.  The first time it was still quite cold and it took my breath away as I dove deep to retrieve one of the filter covers out of its depths.  That was enough to keep me out even as it grew warmer every day.
Perhaps I'll even do a workout although the chlorine is pretty high to stay in there.  If so, it will be the first time this year and it will have to be a short one unless I want to bleach myself.  The bells chime 8, I am late for work.
I really require a very little pool, but I think the grass and the trees are important.  If I end up moving I will almost certainly not have a pool or grass unless something unexpected shows up.
I have quite an extensive list for work.  I have to finish a grant application (not physics although I need to work on that also once I have the second edition volume 1 published-days away...?  Certainly no more than weeks.
I can see the end of my legal work and the high tech way my partners are moving may make it less nerve wracking for me than it would be otherwise, although the problems out there certainly gave me a lot to think about on my walk yesterday evening and kept me up last night.  I like the way that other people in my past would get up and creep around at night, but I think I am like a bad drunk when I am up at night, heavy feet plodding along as I feel sorry for myself.
I have been listening to the autobiography of mark twain, the long one by the mark twain project or whatever they call themselves.  At some point in the distant future I'll get to the part where the auto part starts.  For now it is just setting the stage, a hundred pages of thank yous and an explanation of his problem with self analysis, the self loathing he felt, the failures he could not abide which allowed him to be so funny and which I understand all too well.  He could not easily accept these things and pass them on to the reader.  He could not make his writer's eye see the events and thoughts clearly and without the need to presesrve the self as opposed to providing the raw facts.
Having just read about Grant, the references to his common work with Grant surrounding Grant's autobiography seems familiar to me.
It is time to go, even late has its limits.

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