
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

AuT-Day Zero Plus 1: The big mistake

It is the predawn hours.  Summer is here in depth and it is neither hot or cold outside.
My vision is as bad as its been in a long time.  I"m afraid to even look at my eye.  I can still appreciate that the pre-light of day casts a pawl over everything as opposed to a light.  There is humidity in the air so that the trees are shrouded in a misty cloud that beads up on their leaves and dissipates as you move away from the magnetic presences they present.  The sky is cloudless other than this.
I'm still waiting on the artwork.  I was shown a draft yesterday, and I still expect that by this weekend I will be able to provide a link to the book.  It is almost 350 pages.  Eventually, perhaps, I will publish the 150 page version, perhaps someone else will do that for me.
It is well received in the small community of readers even though it is not well organized.  The first 60 pages have a ragged organization, but it deteriorates into a series of vignettes  after that, loosely tied to the basic concepts for the nutshell version that you have already read in these posts.  The nutshell is slightly improved in the final version as are many of the other features.  The disclaimer in A spiral in Amber will be removed in this book and replaced with one which follows the prior post which is also the jacket cover.  The name is shortened, the links to the prior publications are more tenuous just as history is, the book itself reflecting by accident and coincidence, the coincidence of AuT, actual history.  It will find its place in the pitiful sciences of mankind if it should have one.
Dawn is further upon me now, the sky now has a blue tint in the east, the west a dirty yellow.
I didn't exercise yesterday.  I am debating riding my bike to work today, but I'm also thinking that there may be too much to do for that.  Too much to do to ride a bike?  It is a silly thought, like the ones I put in my other posts.  I have a great melancholy.  Can I phrase it that way?  I would rather not ride my bike today, I don't have the joy of the morning, but perhaps it will come with the light.
The universe is not so complicated as we would want it to be.  The big mistake we make is to look with wonder on the universe.  We only do that because we lack the intellect to see through its magic.  We love, we cry, we are governed by our emotions and not logic.
Even pre-AuT science only identified 4 forces of nature.  The universe is not some random wonderful thing, it is governed by strict rules.  Those rules have been limited to one by AuT, one in all its permutations but governed by a single variable.  Even if Einstein was wrong and everything doesn't happen at once in the absence of time, it still occurs in response to only one variable changing on a scale of 10^-39th.   Yes, it is 10^-39th.  All those posts of 10^-49th were off by a exponent of 10, lol.  Don't worry, that is the one mistake corrected in the book.  Sorry about that, an instant is a little longer.  Even genius has its flaws and I am not genius.  I am clever, malant in French I think.  Something which has overtones of evil which visit themselves on me.  I blind myself and make the wrong decisions.  I outsmart myself.
The Universe is not some wonderful random place.  It is governed by harsh, unforgiving rules.  It appears to be a swirling milieu of randomness, but even a cursory, Newtonian examination peels away the levels of wonder and strips it bare as tree killed by winter, the last remnants of its beauty rotting away.
The big mistake was ever looking at it in wonder in the first place.
But ignore me and my book that is supposed to be published today, we are up before the sun and alone with the coming dawn, knowing that we are not where we want to be, but knowing where it is.

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