
Sunday, June 12, 2016

AuT Reconciling 2 of many

the most challenging inconsistency (apparent, not real) is the elimination of randomness.
Now something akin to randomness happens at the big bangs, where so much order is stored up in the form of compressed spirals and alligned spiral states that for billions of years it unravels before the post expansion compression state begins again.
The intersection spiral model is woefully inadequate to fully explain this but it is a pretty solid model, so strong that some aspects of it will certainly survive scrutiny.
The problem with the model is that it suggests a high degree of uniformity.  Looking at a well done video or even a cloud speaks to some sort of control, self determination and randomness.  The cloud continues to embody this, but the video belies it.  It is belied because the video shows where someone, often with near complete control, locked something very unique, very complicated away forever.
The model on a very limited scale can be shown to have a great deal of variation and complexity and on the scale where we experience things, with variation over (with multiple big bangs) potentially trillons of years and on the scale of 10^39th for every second, the degree of both density and apparent diversity is logical if not required.  Indeed AuG suggests a gradually evolving algorithm (not in time but in complexity) to arrive at the result we experience.
An algorith which led to a non-diverse appearing result would shown "space" for example, but no higher compression states to create the illusion of randomness.  Instead the intersection F-series grown off of earlier F-series and in the number equal to the number of quantum points in the universe allows for such great randomness that perhaps it is the apparent solidity of the world around us that is the greater mystery, the universe should  be (and is seen to be by an examination of, for example space, suns and cosmic dust) a place of either instantaneous or explosive change or of boring repetitiveness.  And, as indicated, this is what we see.  What we call randomness and self determination occurs in a very small bubble compared to the bordom of space and the explosive change in a active star.
We occupy a place, very rare, where the rules of physics "appear" to be voidable by a hidden randomness, but, in fact, we are merely at a place between huge spiral compression (the fusion of stars for example) and huge spiral consistency (space).  We are in the world where fission is the driving force, where the rare spiral going rogue, going out of sync with its compressed neighbors, leads on the scale of 10^-39th to the appearnce of the illusion of randomness while the tie in with remaining spirals creates the illusion of coincidence, a cloud looking like a jet airplane, perhaps.
It this an excuse for me, for us?  It is not.  Laziness and stupidity and the misapplication of piorities is as real for us despite physics as it would be if actual self determinationo and randomness existed.  As long as I can chose or refuse to write these words to you, I am responsible for my unhappiness or yours in whatever degree would be the case in a world of actual randomness...or is it?  For what else would explain this level of stupidity?
And you wouldn't be here if you, like me, could see everything.

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