
Monday, September 12, 2016

Building an algorithm 17

An object at rest tends to remain at rest, an object in motion tends to remain in motion.   Newton's theories related to velocity are accepted by the kinder-physic community.  An entire science is built around his observations of "natural forces" and the equations that "defined" them.
But he did not define them.  All he did was calculate them.
Later scientists came up with rules that predicted what would happen in the context of an amazingly predictable relativity.  But what was it predicting?  Gravity?  The interaction of time and space?  But it was obsessed with distances and forces as things in and of themselves.  It looked for harmony, but only with the matrix we lived in.  There was plenty of thought about what is behind the matrix, but that was too theoretical, even for the theoretical physicists and those who were close enough were distracted by life, especially war, but that is part of life.
Do you ever sit around wondering how people can be so stupid?  I know you do.  You sit and watch the news and you say, people can't be that stupid!  They're killing themselves, killing each other, they believe in the most bizarre fantasies in the world, they pay huge multiples for stocks that don't make any money...profit from it!  They are destroying the only planet they have and don't really seem to get why that's a bad idea and spend most of their resources preparing to kill each other when they aren't actually doing it.  Andy you think, even if we're just monkeys we have have to be smarter than this.
But if you look at human stupidity through the lens of AuT you see the ebb and flow of intellect as a reflection of the solution of the twin algorithm towards or away from intersection, you see irony not as a thing in and of itself, but a recognition that things of necessity flow together and apart.
The stacked algorithms form an onion (layers) of complexity, but it's equally important to see that the form things falling apart and coming together, constantly with only a net coming together or falling apart in any localized outcome.  At each layer, the underlying mathematical result is hidden further by the layers on top of it.  Newton looked at the results, but he didn't have the tools to look under the result to see what caused them because the layering process was so good at disguising what would otherwise have been an obvious sequentially more complicated solutions that underline not just Newton's forces, but everything.
But we're dumber than the monkeys.  Where's the explanation for that?  What else can it be other than that imperfection is a requirement of the system.
The Makeup of any group of spiral states tends to remain the same, whether it defines a quantum acceleration or a quantum stillness over any small group of combined states of necessity because of the way that spirals are made of the prior states.  A prior state that is moving is going to require a great deal of change to become still and the other way.  Newton's law then supports this whole idea.  What he accepted blindly as inertia, we now can see is a reflection of the natural tendency of combined items to reflect the status of what is combined to get to the current quantum state.  The fact that perturbations occur and often times on a large scale is because the combined solutions hold pockets of rapid change on a scale of x which is difficult to imagine at least by you, I think I have a handle on it.
The approach of the F-series to the gold ratio is seen with the function lim(n approaches infinity)F(n+inf)/Fn
GR(phi)=(1+sqr(5))/2 which is approx 1.618.  Interestingly it is also equal to [-1-sqr(5)/-2] of necessity because the first equation is equal the the second equation time -1/-1.
The golden ratio is a relativity function.  In two lines (a and b) the golden ration for any two lines is determined where a+b is to a and a is to b.  Mathematically: (a+b)/a=a/b
As an infinite series it can be expressed as:
13/8 + Sum(0 to inf)[(-1)^(n+1) * (2n+1)!/(n+2)!n!4^(2n+3)]
It can also be expressed as (sqr(1+sqr(1+sqr1+...)
What AuT teaches us is that infinite series have solutions for any quantum state in the universe.
For the golden ratio this would be GR=1+2sin(pi/10) or 1/2csc(pi/10) as pi is solved for  a perfect circle, but we know that pi evolves which is what allows curvature in a quantum universe.
When you use the concepts to collapsing space, you see that it cannot collapse perfectly in the way required by relativity which is a little too clean to be right.
Gravity exists, and it bends light, but the reason why it exists and what it reflects and what information states those photons represent is where the answer lies.  For the interactions of space-time with black holes is much like the interaction of photons, wave energy and space against ct4, the stuff we are made of.  It looks like forces, but it is only change of information as states attempt to move from one moribund state to the next.
So what happens with a black hole that prevents photons from escaping?  What happens to the different ct4 states that fall within the gravity well if they cannot join a singularity, for we know that they can only achieve a stable state in adequate concentrations and if they do not fall within the black hole and cannot become ct5, what happens.  The answer lies in the interface of ct4 and ct3.  When a copper wire is exposed to wave energy, it carries it.  The waves do not cease do exist, but neither do they have the same level of freedom before.  The understanding of these interaction, the study of them understanding what they are, will lead to a better understanding of what we are seeing in space and what we see when we look closer on us.
And what if we get too smart.  What if we build a disallowed tower of babel?  Why, the universe can deal with us without even thinking, a meteor, a supervolcano, supernova, something we have never heard of or perhaps the easiest thing, it will kill our knowledge with our own stupidity, the use of its primary weapon.  Irony.
 As I continue, we will look at some other question.
What is the effect of spatial calculations and the exclusion principle if there is no real dimension, is there any exclusion principle?  The solutions of relativity to black holes are too pure, they have time collapse because classical physics looks for perfection in a universe which can only exist by virtue of the tiny offset imperfections in an evolving pi equation.
And you will gradually see the genius in these posts and you will one day say, I could have hired him fairly cheaply to give a lecture, but I never did.  I wonder why not.  And the universe will answer you.

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