
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Building an algorithm-unbalanced energy

In Kinder Physics, it was felt that the positive and negative energy of the universe was finely balanced so that a perfectly expanding universe was possible and every positive had a corresponding negative so that the universe could, in theory collapse and make nothing or double if you'd like.
Early NLC and EHT predecessor to AuT adopted this foolishness, foolish because such a universe would cancel itself out or continuously double.
Instead the AuT universe we live in has a slight offset between positive and negative 'information' which gives the universe its curvature and allows staking without a collapse.
Another suggestion, which is intriguing but apparently not supported (emphasis on apparently) is the "cycling" of the AuT universe. Unlike Kinder Physics you don't have this "magically ridiculous one big bang (there's sort of a big fizzle at the very beginning, but not really a bang).  Instead you have a big bounce, but not a silly Kinder big bounce, but a more subtle, more elegant inflection point bounce.
The rarity of these inflection points (we're 14 billion years into ours and if you look at prior posts you see both how far we have to go going out and can estimate the same length of time going back-and this is based on observations, not fancy mathwork although the fancy mathwork is what makes clear what just confused Kinder Physics) is a pretty good answer to why we have so much in between time, but the idea that each increase in x leads t a complete recycling of the universe cannot be completely ruled out.  99.99999etc % ruled out, but not completely.
I'm shooting for late October, perhaps as late as December for the second volume of Sprials in Amber, clarifying and correcting huge amounts of information.  I'd say the first 100 pages are now 50 pages or less.  Put it on your christmas list.

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