
Monday, September 19, 2016

Building an algorithm, hairy black holes and aliens and philosophy of illusory self determination-aliens a halloween pre-story for you

The universe doesn't give a flip about us.  We are so tiny in its scheme of things.  If you look at the data embodied in our system (people) and the change inherent in that system and compare it to say just the sun, it fades into nothing by comparison and that has nothing to do with the overall universe.
And, of course, quantum entropy is non-existent.  We create that apparent order because in our little part of the universe, there is an increase at this moment in time in entropy (spirals coming together) which is reflected in the much grander scale of fusion on the sun which comparatively renders our data storage of no consequence.  The greatest of us is no more significant in this than a butterfly which is about to get smashed by your window.  A side note, I was near the woods this weekend (alone) and decided to go into them for a hike despite the heat and near certainty of catching malaria.  Afterwards, I took the opportunity to jump in the cold, clear water (freezing initially, but then comfortable) which I did for old times sake.  But where was i?
The world isn't here for us, we're just here?  True, but not there.
No, I"m here to talk about the aliens in the universe before I get to the bigger post on ghosts in AuT which I will, for Halloween, breath life into.  But back to Aliens.
We listen to the background noise which we believe comes from the big bang.  We listen to the stars for messages from aliens.
What we should be looking for is a message left by aliens from a pre-collapse universe that was left for us. It is likely that there was sufficient organization before the latest big bang that some society would have figured out something insightful that would give us a head start on the next collapse and that they, out of a sense of pathos left us a message in a way that will lead to my ghost story in a coming post.
Of course, if I can figure AuT out, it's almost certain that some aliens in our universe version have figured it out and perhaps they'd send some of that to us which would, for a solar system without me in it, save a lot of time and money looking for the wrong things, like bozons and quantum time and strings and such.
So how does insight into the workings of the universe fit into things?
It prevents goofball articles like this one:

We are more like a story which some creative entity put on auto pilot, a self writing story.  Once you set up the basic rules, you get war and peace; in our case mostly war.

And while we're debunking nonsense, let's talk about the "black holes" have no hair and the even more nonsensical idea of "falling into a black hole."  What idiocy is that!  Imagine falling into something which is more solid than anything else in the universe.  Remember, even though in my early work (3 years ago (EHT)) I posited that black holes were singularities going to the same place (I addressed why that theory didn't make sense already, read the old posts) it quickly become obvious that they were just more information states in exponential compression changing together.  You can't fall into that, all you can do is fall against it.  A quantum black hole would be exponentially more solid than a neutron.  Imagine how silly you'd feel arguing you just fell into a neutron.
That doesn't mean that matter doesn't fall towards black holes and having made contact with them that something doesn't happen.
All matter types have contact with one another in the sense that solutions are stacked.  Actual contact requires dimension which is absent.
So when you look at a black hole that is greater than the minimum predicted and less than twice the minimum, what you are looking at is a "hairy black hole."  I say that because it is the opposite of the idea that black holes have no surface features.
Black holes have the same surface that matter has, just with more coordinates changing together.
Like matter interacts and shares information properties with adjacent photonic, wave energy and space, so too would black holes share information and surface with those 4 states and change relative to them.
But that is enough for now, when I was alone in the woods, I was able to enjoy it because I was alone on purpose, it was not like being abandoned, and for a short time, that was good enough.
I wish the universe did give a damn about us, because if it did I could ask it a question.

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