
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Spirals in Amber-A Halloween Ghost story

Here you are, just like I promised.  One day I will sit with you and read you all the things I wrote you and all the things I wrote to you, but until then you will have to be satisfied with this Halloween Ghost story, although I know you are not satisfied and that you find your satisfaction where you will. But that is my cross to bear and I digress.
In the last e-mail I explained that because of the method of building the universe that a pre-most recent big bang civilization could, in theory if they had someone as smart as me, send a message from the past to us in the future if we just knew how to look for it.
This same conceptual framework allows for the idea of ghosts and even messages from the dead if not from the future.  So grab a cup of hot chocalate, add a liberal dose of bourbon, sit by that wonderful fireplace of yours and get ready for an AuT ghost story.
While I write this the moon is brightly lighting the world outside.  Clouds are backlit by it and from out of the darkness come all manner of night winged creatures, birds of prey large and small, and bats.
I suffer from a great melancholy because I have lost the love of my life and I think, if only there was some way that someone could have warned me of the wrong paths I would take over and over in my life, if only I could send some message back, but there is no way back so perhaps I should look to the future.  But how can I communicate to the future?
Then it hits me, that there have been many messages from the past that were passed to the future.  Long ago, a pre-human we now call Lucy (of Al 288-1) rose up and sent a message down over three million years of time.  Al 288 told us her story despite the clouds of time.  She sent a message, even though she was a primitive australopitecine pre-person with no known knowledge of stacked universes and quantum moments.  She communicated like a ghost, finding the appropriate source to extract her information like a white coated seer or ghost reader and the message from Lucy was, "I am your distant ancestor, I feel from a tree and broke a limb and from this I died.  It was probably raining when I died and I covered myself in mud to hide from wide animals because I could not climb back up in the tree, but I could not survive and I died.  Remember me."
And those bones you point to and say, "no ghost," even relativity, that antiquated way of looking at information theory, are nothing but a compressed form of energy, the vibrations sent through time in a form that you call hard, but which a black hole material being would see as nothing more than a sprite and which AuT would call information which in  any form is just that.
Another ghost with a more recent past and perhaps a little more information is Otzi, the ice man found in the alps.  He died a mere 5,000 years ago.  He tells the ghost whisperers "I ran from my enemies up into the mountains, but they injured me.  Perhaps I was a raider who attacked them and who could not keep up with my companions.  Perhaps a neighboring tribe attacked me, but it is of no great moment, because I ran into the mountains and died, but I died with all of my tools and weapons so you would know more about me and my people, but I am dead nonetheless.
Great men and great women tell their stories even though they died without writing anything while other ghosts like you and me have a great love story that will never be fully written and is known fully only to us.  Some ghosts try to give a purpose to life, suggesting perhaps that the purpsoe of life is to generate these moments, some good, some terrible in their agony and grief.  AuT suggests that the world is nothing but a formula, but perhaps the purpose of that formula is to play itself out, to leave this trail of stories preserved like ghosts from the past to the future.
And who knows what ghosts we will find when we know what to look for, ghosts with longer stories to tell than even that of Al 288-1.  Perhaps we will find that we are, perhaps that everything that we call the universe, is nothing more than a message from one lover to another if we just find where to look.

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