
Sunday, December 11, 2016

AuT-how forces and F series transitions relate

You're in for a treat because I've worked out the linearity of waves as well as the specifics of the transition of forces from specific features of ct1 interaction, two types of intereaction alone turned out to be enough, from the possible 7.  One was already used for gravity, but figuring out where the other forces and why black holes appear as points was gratifying.
I did this while I was walking around a lake from the remote cabin with the noisy military radio operators.  It was a good setting for this.
I was far back in the woods and while this is a small leap from where I was, I realized it was an important one.  It is not a great amount of insight and what little comes out of it relates to this section which has not been posted yet from part 10 which I mentioned in an earlier post (so I'm skipping ahead):
Ct1 and higher state movement has several potential avenues and there is no reason why these should not vary according to circumstance.
1)     Moving from one ct1 to another ct1 (theorized velocity and dimension)
2)     Moving along one ct1 as quanta of the carrier spiral (theorized relativity: using the 1,2,3,5,8 model the same ct1 is followed by photonic forces from 1,2,3,5,8 at which point the ct1 separates which forms waves).
3)     Moving from a "expansion ct" intersecting spiral combination to a contraction ct1 intersecting spiral combination (or vice versa) Sum(of both positive and negative sprials) yielding an intersecting, parallel or post intersection result
4)     Moving from a positive ct1 spiral to a negative ct1 spiral (or vice versa) changing which pair of the ct1 two spiral set is pair of the solution
5)     Moving from along one ct1 state to another different ct1 in a different state
6)     Moving as higher ct state (cf 3) from one ct state within a ct subset to another (e.g. 0 to 1 to 1 to 0 for ct1 BECOMES 1 to 1 to 2 for ct2, etc)
7)     Moving as ct1 from one Fstate to the next of the carrier spiral (0 to1 to 1 to 0)

"Moving" in the case of items 1-6 appears to be a substitution of one ct1 spiral for the aligned ct2 spirals at the rate of one substitution (one ct1 per 256 ct1s in a ct2) each quantum instant (1.07x10-39th of a second or each change in the value of x in the single variable algorithm).  These are all relativistic changes and have no direct effect on gravity.  
I thought how sad it must be for all the physicists to realize after all their combined years of physics the fundamental elements were going to come from me, someone they'd consider less than their equal, a yokel from the hinterlands and that when they asked at what institution was this determined, I would answer honestly that I was far out in the woods far from any chalkboard; alone, cold despite the warm clothes and not a little concerned with what I would do if I ran across a bear.
I would explain that this was because the illusionary force of irony that worked with the illusory force of entropy had resulted in this inconsistence and that we all should have expected this; that I could not enjoy my place in all of this for the very reasons that it has become so clear to me, that no matter who I was with or whatever followed, I would always celebrate this moment alone.
Force and linearity come from these combinations in the following manner:
1) Gravity comes from the transition from ct0 to ct1 (0 to 1).
2) These combine by having one ct1 substitution per 256 in one ct2.  This combination gives rise to photons. This is force 1 (of 7)
3) The next combination involves not only substitution but all following a ct1 along a line creating a ratio which gives waves (ct3) their linearity and giving rise to the electromagnetic force.  This is force 2 (of 7) in the example given above.
4) The next combination is multiple ct3 states sharing the force 2 which gives rise to a richer matrix and allows matter to form.  Since both Force 1 and Force 2 are involved this gives rise the strong and weak nuclear forces.  It is important to note that the forces are NOT what hold the features (ct states) together; but instead are resulting forces from solutions to the algorithm for those ct states.
5) The next combination, that which k-physics designates black holes and AuT designates as ct5 involves the following multiple ct4 states together in the same fashion as ct4 forming what we might call a 4 dimensional matrix, but which is more to the point Force 2 sharing over an extended number of wave states formed into ct5 states.  Because the overlap is greater by a scale of 1 it appears to “shrink” to a point, but in fact it is mathematically less shrunk.

And there you are. 

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