
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Building an algorithm-the battle for Time:

I found this historical footnote which lays low all of pre AuT physics while tracing the history of AuT so I thought I would post it before finishing calculus.
The jackasses that have not yet published or funded my work, if I can be so blunt, probably never read it to any significant extent.  It matters little with a theory that eliminates the relevance of 10,000 years of mathematics.  Not everyone can do that.  I, however, did.

Building an algorithm-the battle for Time: chart of evolution (coe)

Einstein defined space-time, but failed to realize that it had been proven 2600 years before to be an illogical system.  Einstein said that the reason for time was so that everything didn't happen at once.  That led me down the wrong path in assuming that the universe arose from a finite amount of information allowing a consistent definition of pi and that any point in the universe was merely the expression of the information for a value of time.  That analysis fell apart because it required the universe collapse and that would have required that there be a fixed point of reference, a beginning for this information which is contraindicated except by the fantasy of the big bang.  In fact, the big bang, like all other superstitions became the last bastion of man made religion.  I do not deny god, AuT theory falls apart dimensionless in G-space just as other theories fall apart at the big bang or some other place, I merely accept predestination which eliminates any issues of faith except as a pre-ordained outcome.
It was then determined, not precisely accurately, that the universe must be an informational based system because the observed results of NLC (the predecessor) indicated a universe with exponential construction.  While information played a result in that determination, it was later discovered that the system was not only information, which would have allowed for Einstein to be correct, but was based on an algorithm upon which the information was built.
Early on, the spirals of gravity (which lead to the orbits we observe) forced the theory to focus on equations that resulted in curved spirals and these can be seen in the early work.  Einstein again bumbled in the way as the fixed information ideas began to conflict with visions of infinite series brought on by positive and negative curves.  Where did these originate?  The idea of intersecting spirals came very early because they allowed for the “false-finite” information theory to cycle through positive and negative spirals.
But a quantum universe begged for a different result and before long the Fibonacci series of Leonardo Pisano (the Pisa, Italy native whose father Guglielmo Bonaccio somehow led to the name Fibonacci) began to attract my attention.  It did not present curves, but it did present two things, self-generation and a spiralish, quantum result.  The curved universe and the quantum universe waged a quiet war in my mind.
Since pi had always required a quantum solution if the theory had a quantum underpinning, curvature could be created by averaging the F-series quantum results.  With fixed information of Einstein, pi had a fixed result which did not work well.  Something was happening in the universe and the F-series suggested the result.  This diverging series defined fixed limits with intersecting spirals but picking which fixed limits applied was problematic.  I even calculated how much information would be in each spiral to arrive at our current universe resulting in a very strange spreadsheet which remains in one of the old posts in part and continued to bother me.  Something was wrong with a fixed information system although the idea of converging positive and negative time states set out intriguing results which worked well with the idea of successive big bangs.
X, the single variable of AuT and Time co-existed for a while then, less than a year.  The problem with time was that it changed differently than x.  The two refused to peacefully co-exist.  Problems were particularly troubling with time dilation which I knew held the secret.  I stumbled across a corollary of the F-series (Fibonacci series) then which provided a mechanism for “compression” which was that consecutive F-series continued to function as F series as long as the “base” number system (base 10 for most of us) was eliminated.  Time’s days were numbered, x was rising preeminent in the battle.
It only required to come up with a system whereby time was defined by x with all of time’s sloppy features.  The curved model seemed to indicate that we were only 5 F-series out, but the spreadsheet indicated that there was not enough information present.
To reconcile these Time had to be caged and eliminated.  To reconcile Einstein’s error with actual observations, to reconcile quantum states with the appearance of history, dimension and velocity at quantum moments some new way of looking at space time was required.
The F-series supplied an answer; because the F-series defines both points of change and intervening states which are called respectively carriers and quantum points for lack of better nomenclature.  That will come with time.  It still worked poorly, but the relativistic features were all there.  It had already been established based on the information based building of time states.  The first book determined that exponential information states had something to do with the universe although it was only much later that the F-series type stacking was seen to yield the more accurate results which were clouded by the coincidence of base 10 number and the 2,3,5 ct4 F-series.  Reconciling the observed compression of black holes with the mathematical results cleared this up with finality F-series for 5 (3,5,8) yielded 16^2^5 or 16^16 which is the observed minimum size for a black hole.
Space, time and velocity had finally found their place.  They were merely the relativistic effects of stacking one ct state on top of another.  At nearly the same time it had been determined that movement had to be the substitution of one ct1 state for another within the ct2 matrix (dx/dt dictates that movement is a change in space) so all the features were already there and it was easy to find real world models of beaded strings yielding 3 dimensional weaves.  In fact, I used to deal in 3 dimensional bead weaves, an odd coincidence.  Of course, illusory coincidence is built into this pure system.
  And there it was, everything that every physicist had clung to fell apart.  Space time disappeared.  The universe has no dimension.  Perceived dimension is nothing but relativistic change of ct2 to ct1 and the succeeding relativistic changes that result from F-series stacking.  Likewise space curvature is only the averaging of results which explains why at high gravity areas it appears to curve more.

The theory is finished except for minor details, it appears that all things to some extent are finished.

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