
Friday, December 16, 2016

AuT Lumpy time 9-SMIT 3

I'm getting back on track again although there is quite a bit of jumping around to get back to.
I note this post has a "teaser" at the end, although I think I've unteased it with one of those posts jumping ahead.
Some of the chapters, like this one are too short, they don't really say much new and I wonder if they shouldn't just come out.  Others drone on too far, taking in not just the current concept but one on either side or a jump or two down the way.
It isn't like the books I write for pleasure, it teases me, it makes me stay away from work and read texts on differential equations.
For those of you who wish I'd just publish everything in order at once, remember that the 5th edition of my book is coming out shortly (and after that on to the 6th in all probability) although I'm not so sure how far I will take this.  It would be helpful to get more feedback from the yahoos at the various editorial locations although I confess that the fourth book was published prematurely, but how do you not publish prematurely when you re-write the fundamental structure of the universe?  Something of a puzzle, why doesn't it come out in one piece?  The answer is that it does come out in one piece, you just don't see it because you're stuck in linear space.  It's like the old physics joke, "beware of quantum ducks, "quark quark."  You don't really get it unless you have had high school physics.
And it would be nice if you would chime in, even if it were to scoff at me, ask questions which I probably wouldn't answer, or to say something like, yes you are right or no you are just mad.  But it is mostly silence.  Fan work for very quiet fans.
You have no idea what it's like to wake up at ungodly hours like I do, sleepless, not being able to do what you want to do, being cold and uncomfortable.  Well if you're in North Korea you probably get it, maybe they have a place I could lecture.  Right now I am living on what I'd have to call a cat plantation and I have to feed all these damned cats that are part of the reason I can never sleep with their incessant nocturnal fighting and inquiries that I do not understand.  Are they trying to make me work faster or are they just an impediment?  Next week is important it looms ominously for me like an island rising out of an angry sea surrounded by hidden shoals and storm washed outcroppings, appearing and disappearing behind the towering waves that separate us.

The theory is comprehensive in several respects.
It defines a very complicated universe with apparent randomness without resorting to an overly complicated underlying information based algorithms.
It is a logically self-replicating system which builds per an accepted formulation and matches the self-replicating system with information theory which is both a bonus and a necessary feature.
Philosophy, disproving human endeavors for example, is inherent in the theory.  It is not a disproving of god, just a recognition of a non-random system that eliminates free will and hence the requirement of following a set of rules dictated by religious doctrine.  
Turning any state (even photons) into space seems to be prohibited, possibly because of the post conversion definition of spirals 0,1,1 to something without a zero in it; but this doesn't mean that the idea of zero has ceased to exist, if it did we wouldn't have space and without space we couldn't have relative to movement to space which would eliminate dimension, velocity and standard clock time.  
In these last posts what we've done is connected information theory conclusively with F-series spiral theory strengthening that link in the inevitable chain to the correctness of AuT which is to Relativity what relativity was to Newtonian Physics.

We have defined true clock time (the change in the single variable x in the single variable universe) from SCT (standard clock time) which is actually relative time between ct1 (space clock time) and higher clock times.  Practically we've not only redefined velocity and separation but we've also shown the possibility for a type of velocity that could be greater than the speed of light.  This will be defined in a better way when we discuss string solutions along ct1 carrier spirals for multiple ct2 states to yield ct3 waves.

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