
Thursday, December 8, 2016

AuT Lumpy Time 6-lumpy time translates to lumpy pi and space

I'm struggling through the holidays and eye problems but I am going to try to keep going despite all the distractions.
I'm still hoping to have all day Saturday to work on this and to get to a pre-christmas publication of the second edition even though it may be less than perfect because I know you'll all want it for your stockings, but it's a slog.

Anyway, it's a lumpy slog.

AuT Lumpy Time 6-lumpy time translates to lumpy pi and space

Space (ct1) has an element of non linearity to it (0,1,1,0).  Consistency is a function of stacking and this F-series stacking functions as a “F-Series carrier” (F-series 0,1,1,2,3, 5, etc) as a result of the stacking of times together.
I discussed that 1,1,2 in space corresponded to 11,11,22 in photons, 111,111,222 in wave energy and the like providing an explanation for the F(series) portion of the equation F(x)^2^x or for matter (2+3+5)^2^4.
I mentioned that pi proves that dimension is illusory because pi cannot be solved except for a finite value of x and that therefore dimension and velocity are (as observed) a function only of relative position along a ct1 spiral relative to other ct1 spirals in the type of stacked matrix suggested by the stacking of prior time states to get the current one.
Pi can change with each state or with each value of x.  It most likely changes with value of x, although it may only change with a change in state.
In the “change in state” version pi is solved in our universe for matter only to the extent of (3^4-photonic concentration)^(6^6-wave energy concentration)^10^16 (10^2^4-matter concentration) places.  There is a suggestion that this is the case, because it provides a solution where information would “bunch up” at different states.  That is, pi gives a solution that allows the F series to go from 111 to 1111 where matter forms.
This is an enormous number of places but is not the maximum curvature of space because space has ct5 which raises the solution by 16^16.
The suggestion is that intersecting spirals define pi at any location based on a set concentration for that area. 

Such orbital jumps are not consistent, however.  The reason is that the curvature of space changes gradually around large masses and given the fact that “space-time” is merely a reflection of an algorithm, this means that at any solution point (or point in space if you’re looking at the shadow/reflection of the algorithm) pi can vary in an almost linear fashion which means that in small quantum steps pi gradually changes.  This is counter intuitive because it means that space is not curved symmetrically; but, of course, space is not curved symmetrically.  This means the definition of pi as well as curvature change.

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