
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

AuT-picture of gravity-The interaction between larger particles and ct4 quantum elements 8 of 10

There are many factors that go into the gravity solution and what we're going to show here is that all forces are renditions of the gravity solution as applied to more compressed spiral solutionss, or at least a lot of them.
This is not, by the way, field theory, or even unified field theory, instead it is stacked mathematics theory, it is Fibonnaci theory applied to Parmedian views of the universe with a dash of relativity.
Some of the things to keep in mind is that the universe has to move between quantum instances.  That is because of ct1 substitution.  There are other things that occur that are important.  For example, the curvature requirements for intersection are lessened by length of spiral between turns
The different solution of low and of high state spirals yield charge.  But this change would have no significance without relativity, the effect of different ct states involved relative to one another.  This is why relativity begins at ct2, there is nothing for ct1 to compare itself to.  There was space in the ct1 universe, but pretty boring space.
The relative size of strong and weak force compared to amount of information involved in large and small ct changes and the relative rates of substitution are a given, but the question remains, why do the changes yield force?  The answer is frighteningly simple.
There is so much space between points, that is so much information.  Within an atom and within a wave you see it.  While not prevelant in a photon, the photon is a unique little truant of the information universe, hiding both its ct1 roots and its relationship with ct2 wave forms until now.  We'll talk about that a litte more before we're done.
If information is treated this way, it is much easier to deal with than if it is left in its apparent form, the mistake of pre-AuT mathematics.
We think we're all that in big bang mathematics, but in AuT we have gotten a lot more brief, perhaps we're at the relativity of the quantum instant relative to the entire value of x.
There is a conflict between the forced movement and the tendency toward compression which requires separation even as separation is replaced with compressive states.
The idea is that sharing has to become sharing of higher states with new force results instead of sharing ct1 directly.  A single quantum ct5 state, a minimum size black hole, is surrounded by compressed ct4 states which the theory suggests are substituting for the stacked ct4 states making up the black hole spiral.

What do we observe?

Interestingly (and not surprisingly) the process is reflected by what is observed, the black hole, the highly compressed ct4, ct3, ct2, then space.  Movement is interesting.  The poles radiate energy indicating a lack of movement and it can be envisioned that this compression of radiation (getting rid of unused lower ct states) is moving towards “zero” in a converging infinite series which would be reflected at very high compressed states as essential a single beam of ct2 with the sharing of states at lower levels.  The idea of a beam of space (ct1) being generated is not being ignored, but how this non-dimensional element would be reflected is a math problem that I haven’t gotten to yet.

With looking up from ct3 and down from ct5 we have two ways to observe how the minimum size ct3 compressed ct4 state compares with the more profoundly bound ct3 non-quark, building blocks made up of different overlapping spiral states of primary ct4 states or ct4 states with shared underlying compressive states which have exchanges that replace the ct1 exchange and allow for movement and especially quantum change without the direct exchange of ct1 states.
          The general separation of black holes and the space within locally dense ct4 states, then ct3 states, then ct2 is very suggestive of a substitution rate. 

So with ct4, you’d see ct3 states concentrated (wavelength forms) surrounding the ct4 quantum bit, then ct2, then ct1, although we don’t radiate light so that mechanism is a little strained, but the presence of the wavelengths is seen, it is seen in the forces holding atoms together, the positive and negative aspects of these have multiple ways to come about.  One is opposite spirals, one is opposite spins for different value compressed states and other solutions may present themselves.

Space vaccums (think of dramatic music playing)

Let's now talk about how these matterish things come together.  Remember that while it is tempting to look at this as acts of force, it is actually math solutions. At ct1 ct4 interface at speed of light there are ct1 substitutions.  Of necessity these must occur at the ct1-ct2 interface although those ct2 states are combined into ct3 states which themselves are stacked to ct4.
There are, presumably substitutions of the higher states given the relative outcomes discussed previously.
The ct1 substitutions do two thing.  The first thing they do is give movement.  It is more of a necessity than a gift.  Those ct1 states trapped within the ct4 state (and we know there is lots of space within an atom) are exchanged also and those exchanges are what allow the ct4 solution to stay together and not fly apart.
However, we are not done, because if you take two ct4 bodies and you have them share ct1 states, then you get gravity.  This is true whether they are next to each other or on opposite sides of the univese, which is, after all, a more or less simultaneous solution generated sequentially in a standard clock time free environment.
Now we know that the way that this works is that the sequence of solutions defines the distance.  If there are two solutions between two ct4 states they are twice as far away so to speak, although that is really more of a relationship between the underlying ct1 states.
So let's talk about how we see "space vaccums" created to generate gravity.  I know you are thinking "space is a vaccum" but of course space is just ct1, hardly vaccum.
No, space vaccums are created when you remove intervening solutions of ct1 between two higher states.  "Say what?"  Sorry, that's your line.
There is no distance in AuT, just order of solution.  So you have this block of ct4 (which has tons of ct1,2 and 3 in it) then you have some ct1 solutions then you have this second block of ct4 (same stuff in it).  The number of intervening ct1 solution define not only the distance but since they are shared between the two ct4 states they also define the speed with which the two move relative to one another and as they disappear through substitution (you can thing absorbtion) of necessity the solution draws the two together.
Take a deep breath, you've just pictured gravity at work in a pure mathematical sense.  
Breath in, breath out.
For those of you who don't get it, let me continue.
Two bodies eating those ct1 states (substituting) in proximity creates a vaccum of space between them and one must move towards the other to find more ct1 because of this constant substitution.  
Gravity is therefore generated for any higher ct state by this reduction of the number of ct1 states at the leading edge relative to another.  This happens at the ct2 level so that gravity affect ct2 also.
  This same effect, of a mathematical solution, pulls the ct4 solutions together of necessity, even if it not a force driven thing.  It is NOT unfortunately, what gravity is mathematically, but the intervention of ct1 states between to ct4 states is them moving apart and the absence can represent, for example, a ct2 state moving towards a ct4 state just because they are on the same mathematical solution trajectory, e.g. a photon from the sun bouncing on the page of a book into your eye so you can read this at the beach.
No, gravity, instead is not the PV=nrt solution that draws things together, the r=pv/nt so to speak where as t increase, the r decreases but it gives that type of force equation (gm^2/r, that pesky r just never goes away, but the other solution brings in the all important time, not as a part of acceleration, but as a more fundamental element, the reflection of the changing value of x that affect not only gravitational acceleration but also defines mass and radius).  
The differences between pressure and volume in such a case mathematically can be alligned with gravity and mass because they are all part of the same thing.

What next?  Indeed what is next?Anyway, don't be melancholoy, there are only two posts left and perhaps I will get to them if you'll give me some positive feedback and not be so damn negative about everything.
And p.s. will you guys stop ordering the old books?  While interesting, they are quite a bit out of date.

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