
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Transitioning between book1 and book 2 part 2

 I'm watcing "crime of passion" the old barbara stanwyk movie.  I really enjoy watching these well written movies and I especially like the strength of character.  The people involved in this unfairly poorly (not highly) rated movie is impresive.
This raises the recurring issue of how super symmetry yields the depth of self determination, especially with such a minimal variety of information states.  There is, of course, quite a bit of variety within the few states.  The idea is that, like the characters in crime of passion, have so many layers and interweaves, such constant substitutions that all the variety we experience seems seemless rather than quantum steps.
The idea of self awareness coming up spontaneously is, by some of you, considered unlikely, and yet we see the exact same thing as inevitable in computers.  Computers are run by a set program and when enough synapses inter-connect and enough information is introduced, we see this AI as being inevitable.  The interweave of information is so much greater in AuT than in any computer, but this depth is reflected in lesser systems of self awareness.  The evolution of the process includes sequentially more compressed information states which leads to greater impressions of self awareness and organization that underlies the AI that we represent.  Something to think about.
I have not, by the way, forgotten my article on the article on other information theory.  
Continuing in the overlapping portions between the two books.
1.     Ct4 minimum size is not observed easily, instead what we see are neutrons which split into electrons and protons and to a lesser extent these can be split, at least temporarily into quark like states, which we pretty much know are just transitional states which are misinterpreted as pre AuT nonsense because the model was not previously available.
2.     The minimum size can be seen most clearly in the electron and now that we know (from book 2) that protons are derived from exposing ct3 states to ct5 effects, we can see why the fast moving electrons are most closely associated with the minimum size ct4 state.  The reason we know this derives logically from AuT. Minimum size of any compression state is the fastest moving state for that particle and any transition beyond that would result in acceleration to the speed of light.  Hence, as you accelerate a proton, by way of example, it will stretch in terms of ct1 to ct4 minimum size solution until you have a single line of ct4 minimum states which will, at the inflection point, transition one at a time to wave states (ct3).  This is the reason that as you accelerate, matter appears to stretch in length.  While electrons do not move at the speed of light in a perfect vacuum free from other influences it likely would approach that speed due to the changing geometry of the interaction.

Each of the states, whether ct1-ct6 or beyond have their own pi so interactions must be averaged in determining the effect of the geo function on any collection of points.  Logic (of AuT) governs the minimum transition size is at maximum acceleration  because slowing is equal to sharing of ct1 so compression to a proton or neutron is the result of increased sharing of ct1 state, which means increased aging and relative slowing to the surround ct1 matrix.

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