
Friday, November 20, 2020

iot-internet of things or internet of terror and day day 348 of the apocalypse

Number 7, is you not being in it.  Or maybe it is number 1.  That goes without saying, but it doesn't hurt me to say it any more than it hurts me to stay silent.
What a crazy world.
1) Pandemic
2) Overthrowing democracy
3) Economic Collapse
4) Environmental disaster
5) And now this was a very old post that never made it to prime time:

We still remember when 1984 was a science fiction horror story. Now Apple, Amazon and others are competing to have a better listening device in your house recording your every move, while google and other internet search engines know what you're looking for and show you advertisements for it, almost before you know you're looking for it. While we were being terrified of big brother, the internet was becoming big brother. That is a lot to worry about, as clinton found out right before she smashed her old cell phone, but when AI gets advanced enough which it will do in our lifetimes, an equally sinister, non-human aspect of the IOT (Internet of Terror) will be possible.

I didn't sleep last night and worse still had the entire inner ear thing, which had lasted the entire day.  I feel a little better.  I passed my first covid test today, also found out what it felt like to have my brain sampled with a q-tip stuck up my nose.  I did not like the test, the results which have a 75% chance of being accurate I like.

I am now deep into my next project.  I have a long list of things to deal with and a good base document to start from which I am attempting to turn into something at least foundationally generic.  I have too much to do in the time that i have, but it is my way to take it one step at a time.  That is how it is with this thing and how it must be with all other things.

I swam 2000 yards yesterday, the full set plus 25 yards for the IM.  It has not helped anything, but it was a good thing that I needed.  My heart was not in it, but it came back to me at the end.

The world abides as much as not.

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