
Sunday, November 1, 2020

day 330 of the apocalypse and the writing part (a) of 8

I was at work long before the sun came up.
I could go to sleep, the writing is going from quasi lucid to not lucid.
I did get the minimum work done, a day ahead of schedule although I am not sure whether I'll get to the next project before November.  I cannot believe this country.

No more politics.
I'm watching the storm coming, a metaphorical storm, I think the real one was 4 days ago.

My favorite place to eat lunch has all specials I like next week.  How very odd.  Its a big week, heavy on Monday and Friday, light in the middle.

How can I explain what is happening right now?
I figured out the tie in between electromagnetism and fusion, and it shows why fusion is so complex, it is different than perhaps I thought it would be, although not so much so that it is a shock.
The what is a shock, another feed from the universe which oddly seems to continue to think I need its help.
I love deeply and commit deeply, two things which have torn my mind in half.  And torn my heart, like a flag in a hurricane.

I regret what I have done to others, I dislike what I've done to myself.

Next week is a opportunity to begin a sea change, but there remain two course corrections that have yet to bear results for better or worse.  As I sail into the next hurricane, the sales unfurled, the batons undone, the reefing clews askew, the jib secured, at least the flying jib in storage for the moment.

Who can wait to live?  Not me and not you, right?

Here is the prequel to some future posts, maybe who knows what will happen tomorrow or even if there will be a tomorrow.

Forbes: How To Build A Successful Writing Career Through Self-Publishing.
  1. Find an editor who loves your voice. Query several. Interview them.
  2. Edit mercilessly for pacing and flow.
  3. Pay for a fantastic cover that makes your intended audience pause and take a second look. The cover is about the content of the book and should reflect both the content and you (the author) equally.
  4. Go where the readers are (e.g. Goodreads, a social media website for readers).
  5. Tell your readers where to find you and be there consistently (Facebook, Twitter, email, website, newsletter).
  6. Build your audience. Slowly. Carefully. Methodically. Never let them go. Don’t look over their heads for new readers. These first passionate readers will use word-of-mouth to promote you and your work—forever—if you treat them with respect.
  7. Don't sacrifice quality for short term gains.
  8. Finally, being an author is not luck. Yes, there is an element of luck in successfully making a living as an author. But being an author is not luck. You write or you don't. You finish or you don't. You have 100% control over whether or not you're an author. Only you.

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