
Monday, July 8, 2019

determinates and algorithm compression shifts

I had to use a combination of diet, exercise and timing to get down to 175.2 today.
Nevertheless, I consider myself largely on target going into a week without a pool or significant gymnasium.

NBC News: Are we living in a simulated universe? Here's what scientists say..

This article is nonsense, but we are in a mathematically mandated universe. The ultimate goal of AuT is to pierce ct1 and make changes at the level of god, but of course it is a modest goal given where we are, albeit possibly an impossible one.

The question raised here is whether determinate theory yields compression.
two dimensional determinates go to zero fairly easily.
Three dimensional determinates require a more complex analysis but only because you have three factors (qualitatively more complex) than the two dimensions.
Let's take a quick look
a   b
c   d
The determinate is merely (a*d)-(b*c)
When you go to 3 dimensions you get a little more complicated but, as required by AuT and a purely mathematical analysis you get to:
a  b   c
d  e   f
g  h   i

To do the analysis you have to keep the columns "free" from the influence of one another so:
a* the determinate of efhi -b*D:dfgi+cD:degh
It is worth noting that no matter how you cut the matrix, if you cut it with a line through factors, the result goes to zero if the points on the line are zero.  But this also holds if any change along any line is zero in each column.  You can check this out if you have time, just take any element in each of the columns and make it zero.
What this means is that for any line along the matrix which defines movement in three dimensions, if there is no movement along any three dimensions.
This is Tesla's 3, 6, 9 analysis applied to matrix models, by extension although you have to get rather wordy to describe the process moving from, say circles to cubes; but you can see the results here as you approach zero.
If you want to double a cube this is the way that you get there.

Before we go any further, we have to do something really interesting.  Let's go to our base equation:
-1^x+2(-x)^x-1 and lets show how this gets us, using vector theory, to dimension.

-1^x where x-1 is -1.  -1^x-1 where x is 1=1
For any group of numbers this can be expressed as:
A-1*A for a point in two dimensional space which is stagnant.  That is, using vector analysis the point moves A-1 (1,0) and moves in the postive direction an equal distance (0,1) so it ends up at the same place.
1  0 =A^-1*A (or A^1)
0  1
for the special case where x=0
which can be rewritte 1x+0y=1;0x+1y=0

Let's go back to our vitruvian man:
The inner circle is 1/2 of the main length, the outer circles are 1/4.
Together they make 1 (two outer and  one inner) for the circles created by the overlap necessary to get the lines to line up correctly.
The base width of the Vitruvian man at the waste is around this modified width minus 1/8 on each side.
From there, you have the offset 2 and the offset 3 and the 3 intersects the "squared circle" which has a radius of 3 plus 1/4.
In terms of our linear solution we have this transition
ax+by=vector defined by the locational coordinate goes from a zero, zero point (you could make it a one,one point and get the same conceptual change) to one which is raised (y) by 2 and moved to the right by 3.25 in a base 10 system.
In a base 4 system it would move 33 by 20 after a fashion.
In a base 6 system it would move 21 by 12 after a fashion.
Looking at the base 4 system:
ax=33 by=20
Looking at base 6:
ax=21 by=12
Looking at base 10
ax=13 by=8

This is more than just a theoretical question, this is a practical question.  Dimensional changes of this type are not just math, they are the way that force arises, that energy and matter interact, that time comes into existence.
Moreover, the mathematics associated with the undertaking involves a constant change between the matrix numbers which appear easy at first glance, but quickly lose all sense of clarity, even though the math remains consistent at a high school level.

The second edition of "Spirals in Amber" predating the modern version of the model was published in 2017, a full five years into the process. This shows how quickly the model has begun to evolve and even the overlays have advanced in a way which was not expected.
This, part of the trademark evolved of the weekend as the 1/2 circle evolved to align the square the circle in the fashion shown with the fibonoacci spiral, the 3-3 line of intercept and otherwise so closely mimic and align the system that it boggles the mind in both simplicity and harkens back to the 3-6-9 fanatisism of Tesla.
What to know more? 

Want to know even more?

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