
Saturday, July 6, 2019

only the net effects of faster than light travel

Three swim workouts in a row have left me under 175 pounds this morning despite some biggish meals.
I am burned out from sleeping late, but not overslept.
I was considering the idea of exercise, although I have to admit it was hard to think of swimming again.
Two nights ago as explosions echoed around I sat up till 1 and got out a bunch of bizbo snap posts which may or may not have been a waste of time, but the software is so nonfunctional that i realized it was finish on the 4th (actually finishing on the fifth) or tab through everyone twise.  It wasnt much of a post anyway, more just a link and a word or two although I did personalize a few where personalization seemed to matter.  I suspect many will not use it, but there was a link for that.
it is hot already.  I am hoping that the weird sleep will not affect my inner ear issue, but that is probablly a forlorn hope.
Yesterday I ended up lifting weights and the stair machine which left me exhausted; not because the workout was hard, but because the heat was terrible.
I am working on physics only sporadically this weekend; i have done enough for a while.  There are a couple of articles on the speed of light and they are not right as AuT shows clearly.  I am not going into it because faster than change is so regularly discussed in the books and so obvious from an accuarte understanding of the universe that it gets repetitive and the idea that you cannot move faster than light or that gravity moves at the speed of light is as out of date as the idea that the sun is carried around the earth on a chariot.

Forbes: Ask Ethan: Why Do Gravitational Waves Travel Exactly At The Speed Of Light?.

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