
Friday, July 12, 2019

What could have happened

My story is coming true, so I suppose I should write that I am going to win the lottery or something.

Will there be zombies in new orleans?  I don't know.  I haven't gotten in depth in that part yet, so maybe the city will be ready.

After 3 days off I swam a mere 1800 yards at a pace where I should have swam 2000 and only 800 was im, but i was sore before I started and I needed to do it to bring myself back to an even keel; although I am not at an even keel. I weighed in this morning just over 175, at least that is on track although I am tired.

I have previously stated that time is like film.
The changes in pre-time ct states is the building of the frame of the film.  That is the new thing in this post.
Hence each frame is built and then can be rolled against...the next higher frame?

Chapter 55

“What could have happened to cause this accident.  It looked like the barge veered off course on purpose.”
“I agree, it could be anything.  Maybe the captain had a stroke.”
“It could be terrorists.”  Marshall thought about that.  It was unlikely, but not impossible.  He was holding the ship in place.  The coast guard ship was spraying the burning wreckage which had tangled with one of the giant beams suppporting the bridge that spanned the river.  Below his crew was attempting to help survivors who had managed to find the ship and cling to the lines up.  The skiff was pulling survivors from the water who were too far away or too hurt to get  to the barge.  It was already filling with people, even the huge barge area was beginning to fill.  The biologist and her class had gone down to give what first aid they could.   He glanced up to look at the burning wreckaged just as another tank of lng exploded, the huge pylon began to break.
Looking at the scene before him, Marshall suddenly realized what was happening.  “All hands, secure yourselves to the deck.  Belay the rescue operation.” 
And then it was falling, the entire pylon, and it was bringing the bridge and all its traffic down.  A noise filled the air of breaking concrete and too late the captain added, “Incoming, hit the deck!”
The captain put the engines in reverse and the boat moved back seemingly just in time to clear the debris of cars and concrete and heavy cables that whipped the sea and everything nearby like the arms of the fabled Kraken. 
Just when it looked like they had dodged the collapse, one of the cables just touched the top of one of the barge covers and the multi-ton cap flew off like a paper clip had been flicked by a whip taking with it members of the crew and rescued survivors with it.  There was a red bandana one moment, and a flash of blond hair one moment, then the deck where those flashes of color stood was wiped clean, “Mason!” Marshall yelled, but the mike was not one and only those who stood, mouths open heard it and they were not listening.
“My god captain,” the mate said.  “I have never seen anything like it.  What do we do?”

The captain was suddenly exhausted beyond endurance, but there was only one answer.  He shifted the engines again and picking up the microphone he announced, “Resume rescue operations.”

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