
Saturday, June 14, 2014

China's weaponized economy and the irritation of being me

As I watch the USA sink into its abyss of debt and lethargy I am almost overcome with disappointment in my fellow american and my fellow politician too.  The recent defeat of a certain well placed congressman is a promising sign, the electorate getting so frustrated they will replace an incumbant with anything; but on closer examination, it could just be an increased polarization and nothing will fully replace term limits.
But that is just a reflection of my ongoing disappointment and not room for special mention.
Instead, it is the big "hulabaloo" raised when this month Gates "shocked the american psyche" by pointing out that in the last three years China has used more concrete than the USA in the entire century or some similar point.
It is not that the point isn't important. It's merely that many, like me, have not only pointed out the problem but even suggested solutions, albeit only with prodding on my part for years now without getting any attention.
Our society is so stupid that unless someone who is a celebrity says something it doesn't matter.  Oh, so Bill finally gets it?  What is shocking is that it took him so long to say something if he really cares.
Somehow I got to 1000 posts, by the way.  Maybe not all 1000 are posted but all 1000 are written.  I suppose I should have a piece of cake along with a bottle of champagne.  This post, will be 1001.
But back to the subject at hand, my irritation.
It has nothing to do with Gates, or some congressman that can't get elected, or the fact that the end of the world is rocketing towards us and we sit like our simian ancestors, scratching our butts and eating fleas off one another.  No, it is none of that.  It is the fact that I can control my own destiny and instead I sit here writing this blog, wondering what indeed I should do next when deep in my soul I already know.
Well, no help for that.  I'm on to my champagne and cake.

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