
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Non-linear time-the ultimate creation story

NLT in a paragraph: The basics of Non-Linear Time theory, and of this grant inquiry, are (1) All linearity is the result of conserved time coordinates changing in a non-linear time environment where because time is non linear everything happens at once and (2) that dimensional aspects of the universe (space, energy and matter) and forces (energy, gravity, clock time) are created simultaneously.  One goal of the inquiry is to determine if these simultaneous aspects of time have the character of matter (dimensional characteristics) and anti-matter (force characteristics) normally subscribed to as matter and anti-matter. These few lines set out the entire field of inquiry which is discussed in more detail below.

0) Non-linear Time.  No clock times are linear, everything happens at once. NLT (all states/coordinates at zero).  This is a formless universe.  It literally has no dimension and hence no "form".  What it does contain is all thought compressed in one place without separation of time or dimension, the rivers of time are all combined into a single ocean.

1) CT(1) goes linear.  We have the predecessor universe where most fundamental physicists begin to speculate on what the universe is.  It is one dimensional and everything is concentrated in a single point, but one set of clock time coordinates is linear.  Where only one dimension exists only something non-dimension can exist.  For lack of any other starting point, we can say that the dimensional state is a first dimension and the corresponding energy state is the photon. This combination is just an example since the math has not been fully developed and is selected only as an ironic reference.  Originally, Gravity was seen at this stage, but there is no place for gravity to pull, so we need a second dimension; so the answer is we have to let there be light at this stage.  While light may come at some other stage, photonic light, or at least some form of one dimensional energy, seems the most likely inhabitant since it qualifies as least dimensionless and is an energy coordinate. Since there is no separation possible, all light (if we accept there is light, occupies a single point mathematically.

2)  CT(2) goes linear and we have the expansion of the universe into two dimensions.  Space can now form, but is so concentrated that it exists only in two dimensions.  The waters of time can now be separated into to separate places.  If photons can combine it can only form in two dimensions.  The corresponding force is a one directional force which is theorized to be gravity since the creation of gravity during CT(1) in contraindicated by the directional characteristics of gravity.  It is unlikely that two sets of coordinates go linear at the same time.   These two coordinate states (CT1 and CT2) are invisible to us if we look only at 3 dimensions, but should be observable from our vantage point and this would prove non-linear time over all other theories. It is the first place where a divide is possible and things can be in two separate places.  There is no ability here for a traditional explosion because everything is restricted into a single plane, but there is no reason why these planes cannot extend in a infinite circle just as you can draw an infinite number of lines outward from a point on a sheet of paper.

3) CT(3) goes linear allowing for 3 dimensional space.  This allows for three dimensional movement, speed and acceleration as we experience it although speed and acceleration also occur in two dimensional space which raises a question relative to CT(4). and is likely the first environment where combination of two dimensional coordinates adds a third coordinate group.  Three dimensions as we perceive them can now exist and space is possible. As the 3rd dimension exists it is initially space as a single Planck sphere (the big bang can no occur).  This is the space of relativity.  This has been viewed as a coalescing of space into energy and is possible once a sufficient amount of space exists, but it can also be seen as some of the near infinite number of lines expanding in two dimensions to combine to allow this third dimension.  This is a combination of the features of photonic or point energy, plus separation or gravity, into a third form of force which is theorized a electromagnetic energy.

4) CT(4) matter forms from concentrations of energy and we have the beginning of clock time 4 coordinate changes.  Watch time, here referred to as CT4 and which we refer to as "Time" generically goes positive (fourth coordinate) as energy combines, and turns into matter.  Earth can appear and time as we experience it as creatures of matter, can exist because CT(4) coordinates change at the expense of CT(3) or CT(2) coordinate changes.  The only indicator that CT(3) is the force coordinate to change is that gravity appears to remain in place while other aspects of energy seem to go to zero.

It is likely that there are intermediary steps along the way, but the changes appear to be quantum changes at each stage.  That is, any set of time coordinates (represented at CT1-CT4) is either linear or its not linear.

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