
Friday, June 27, 2014

NLT the next step Part 6-Creation

Why is it always so easy for you
to accept the inevitable
and why is it so hard for me
who understands so well
that everything that will happen has
could it be because I know
that we are destined to be together
and that nothing can keep us apart
and yet we are apart
and to some extent
we always have been
so what is left for us now
if we are not to be together
for whatever reasons you have
then let me go out the way i came in
without surrender, without fear
other that losing you
which I fear most of all
let me ask one last question
that you can accept or reject
Come down the rabbit hole with me

Creation begins when:
1) Clock Time 1 CT(1) goes linear.  We have the predecessor universe where most fundamental physicists begin to speculate on what the universe is.  It is one dimensional and everything is concentrated in a single point, but one set of clock time coordinates is linear.  Where only one time dimension exists only something one dimensional can exist. It can exist anywhere in the universe because each clock time has a full set of x,y and z coordinates. For lack of any other starting point, we can say that the dimensional state is a first dimension and the corresponding energy state is gravity. This combination is just an theory since the partially developed math allows multiple possibilities but there is no place for gravity to pull, without a second dimension except towards non-linearity. Were photonic energy possible, there is no separation possible, all light (if we accept there is light) would occupy a single point mathematically. But light does not pull towards non-linearity and is a path that NLT is not ready to take. CT(0)dt=(CT(0)+CT(1))dt; coordinate change is conserved and the change rate of CT(0) is by definition zero which requires that CT(1)=CT(x)+CT(-x). In some fashion, time and anti-time must exist simultaneously. 1
If sequential acceleration is accepted then this acceleration would have a denominator factor of ^2 and we are going to assume that sequentially we can no longer accelerate CT(0) so we will now have to accelerate CT(1) so the next factor will be t^4. Unlike traditional powers of ten, these factors with each increase in linear time, not merely add up so for CT(2) the factor is t^8. There is exponential compression in the factor of compression or the factor of acceleration. Whether this is a factor of decay or growth is a primary goal of analysis of NLT but either is correct depending on where you stand in the line between linear and non-linear time.

1 A linear “integration” function is suggested in the general form of ((CT(t)dt=t^(n^2))*(0+t) +t^n^2)*(0-t)) at least for CT(0) based on the theoretical “conversion rates”.

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