
Thursday, September 14, 2017

AUT black hole bs and the status of AuT

I'm going to talk about the nonsense of black holes, but I"m also going to go over my own nonsense.

AuT derives from this theory so if you watch this film you will see a convergence towards AuT. Where they stop, somewhat after EHT, is where they look at dimension and information.  AuT correctly predicts that black holes only represent a new information state which can be represented by 5 places instead of the 4 that we're used to.
There is a further misunderstanding of what the event horizon is.  In AuT it is merely the transitional state where information beginning as space transfers in successive stages toward the fully compressed state along different carrier arms from space to the black hole information arms.
There is the whole idea of flat "surfaces" which misses the point entirely that we are not on any surface but ultimately exist in a time free and dimension free environment made to look dimensional as a result of various solutions to a single variable algorithm.  This rather bizarre result is necessary lest Einstein's "without time everything happens at once" be proved incorrect.  In fact, this is the other building block of the very first version of this theory EHT which was published here in 2011-2013, you can go back and read those posts if you want, but the Einstein Hologram universe remains available for purchase if you like reading out of date theory, like the link which I'm referring to.

Here is the current book set.  Amusingly, I do not have copies of book 2 second edition which I will not have till October. If you want to order a complete set, fear not, because the second edition is available.  I include the second edition of spirals in amber because the 4 books shown only cover the first 88 pages of Spirals in Amber 2nd.
Today, I set up the second 500 pages as "book 5" which covers the remaining 400 pages.  Its completion has to wait till after the second edition of book 4 which has not even been started yet.  The second edition of book 4 is merely book 4 with the last 70 pages edited to make it consistent with the revised theory.
The first 4 AUT books only cover the first 100 pages of the 500 page spirals second shown above.  Moreover, the first 4 books includes 70 pages of the first 100 pages which have just not been edited yet.  I know what you're thinking.  What the hell is he talking about?  Are the first 4 books a rewrite of only 30 pages of Spirals in Amber, 2nd edition?
This is both true and not true, but sadly, it is mostly true.

Nevertheless, the 4 books on Algorithm Universe theory take the spirals series as far forward technically as spirals did with NLT and as NLT did with EHT.  One quantum leap after another and at this point, not only the conceptual basis but the actual mathematical derivations have been completed.  The latest quantum leap is going from a very rough and inaccurate model where spirals are used to explain phenomena and eliminating the dimensional aspects in favor of a pure non-dimensional framework built on 0' which we know as -1^x kept alive through f-series type addition of successive states allowing the transitions between the positive and negative features to have exponentially longer lives allowing for the universe which we experience.

There is a summary of those first 4 books in book 2 (the second edition).
Put another way:   The editing of Spirals 2nd can be summarized as follows: The 4 books of AuT cover only the first 100 pages of Spirals 2nd, the remaining 400 pages have not been edited.  Moreover, there are 70 pages in the rewrite of the first 100 pages that have not been edited.  This is extraordinary and indicates that there are 470 pages which require re-writing to perfect the portion of the theory already published.  
So what remains to be done?
First, perhaps, I need to edit the last 70 pages of book 4, using a printed edition.  Next I have to take the now 225 pages (print formatting takes it up to 400 pages) remaining in Spirals 2nd and rewrite those to take into account the new information in books 1-4.
I must pause for breath.

Today's lesson from the proposal is, perhaps, the one that will prove most in need of a rewrite.


1.     We are in a universe of points, all growing from just the “center” represented by 0’ which exists geometrically free, but at one edge of the solution matrix. 
2.     Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT)- provides a mechanism for the creation of space time from a non-dimensional (including time free) framework which is predictive of large and small scale observations.  This non-dimensional frame work is referred to as a single variable algorithm where quantum changes in this single variable allow for the creation of space and time as we experience them.  It is the most fundamental model of the Universe written.  It accurately predicts observed phenomena, it predates numerous “observations” and it allows for a better understanding of phenomena that are unexplained by other theories.
3.     AuT gives a better understanding of the universe and provides guidance in what to look for in sub-atomic and astronomical observations.  It explains minimum size, force (without false leads like bozons) black holes, expansion and contraction of the universe and time dilation by way of example.  Being accurate, it provides accurate explanations.  The universe being complex, it requires the analysis of additional data to be complete.
4.     AuT Provides new avenues for advanced manipulation of quantum phenomena
5.     AuT Saves money being spent on incorrect assumptions, but targeting investigations that are looking for things that don’t exist.

6.     AuT Allows a better understanding of information coming from quantum studies and astronomical studies.

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