
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

AuT-Principle Research Problems:

There's a lot to cover here, but first the next part of  proposal, normally at the end.

Principle Research Problems:

          What needs to be done is to reconcile the different possible ways in which the theory can pursue the solutions and to refine the equations to see whether the interpretations are accurate.
          The work continues but slowly.  There are pages of corrections that haven’t been typed.
          This process has been carried very far forward so that the theory can be show to be predictive.  Now it can use additional programming, discussion, application to information as well as continuing the past methodology which has been so effective.

And now the dark poem of the night

Ah, the dark side of love
it is the only side I know
when two people are in love
you look up
and see rainbows, butterflies, clounds and flowers
but when you walk alone
when you know only love for its darkness
you see centipedes the size of snakes
roaches the size of squirles
you see the stains on the sidewalks and roads
and you feel like you are one with them
The snakes and grumpkins in the forests
are not feared
for what can they do to you
you haven't done for yourself
no one understands those who love
only in the dark ways
self sacrifice and emolation
all my lovers hate me
i don't fault them
i admire their judgement
what lover is worthy of me
having such faults
to justify suffering my attentions
what person has suffered
such depravity of spirit and body
that they woudl deserve me
I know it not

new post
Now that I have that out of my system, let's talke about this article or we can skip the bull sh-- and get right to the science.
AuT solutions indicate that the positive and negative carriers are preservations according to the logarithmic function of 32/27 which solves for 2f(n)^2^n for the ratio difference where n=1 and n=0.  This function is pre-curvature, but uses the same derivation as the sin (or cos) function to obtain the ratio where pi is solved for pi(0) and p(1) respectively as shown in the book.
Once the ratio is established, in order to have it maintained for higher states it first my "vibrate" and the vibrational form at this level is suggested to be the logarithmic and anti-log functions which freeze the sin and pi functions as part of the equation using the ratio for the anti-log function and the resulting solution is the carrier which solves for the logarithmic values in the form of carriers which survive according to the f(series) function 2(f(n)) for succeeding states to allow, for example 2(f(4))^(2^4) to give scale to the mass energy ration e=mc^2.  The complete derivation of that equation takes into account acceleration, but for quantum states, mass has no velocity component and hence the problems associated with integration of the equation over time is absent.

Let's get to the article.  A particle state is defined by its wave function, pre-aut nonsense, nevertheless with enough accuracy for the smaller minds of physics.  I am a smaller mind of physics, but I am angry and full of disappointment at everyone else as well as myself, so I will take my superior understanding of things and throw it in the face of science tonight and you can pay attention or ignore it at your peril.  I do not care.
Since the ratios are functions of equations for curvature, there is, of course, especially at very dense concentrations a close correlation between quantum states and comparative values of curvature.  It is critical to understand that pre-aut physics ignores the interplay between the different levels of compression, although these articles begin to recognize that waves and matter are part of the same thing.  The failure is not is the analysis, instead it is the failure to see quantum states and the failure to see that the values observed result from transitions in quantum increments between 5 or 6 (or possibly more) compression states.
Gravity remains consistent at the ct0-ct1 level, but because it compresses at exponential levels and transitions between levels, you get the curvature we observe, but because of the positive and negative carriers, it is conceivable, if not requried that you have positive and negative forms of gravity which is theorized in AuT.
I have many reasons to be hateful today, none of them valid, all of them mine, but I cannot help but be disappointed to look at the unified field nonsense, when the supersymmetry of AuT has such greater depth.
Stay tuned for steadily darker poetry and mor physics.

This seems to be available on kindle, the non-kindle version should be out shortly.  There were formatting problems which originate with the contankerous word preservation functions which required a near act of god to correct.
The end of african colonialism is the sub-name of the new version, should be ready just in time for my book signing and I'm 1/2 way through Notes from Venus' 3rd edition

You should read this anyway...
In a northern desert in Africa lies an oasis. A few trees grow there, a few spiny, stunted desert plants and a well surrounded by sand in as an isolated a place as exists on dry land. A conflict which was to consume the globe started there. 
It could be said the first battlefield of World War II was the first battlefield of World War I or the last battlefield of World War I. But World war I ended. World War II must have begun afterwards. 
This book is a work of fiction, but if it has a historical thesis, then the thesis of this book is this; World War II started with a battle around the time of American Thanksgiving in 1934 at this desert oasis. Like the events which started WWI, the participants were quickly marginalized by subsequent events. But for a short period of time, one of the combatants on the winning side of World War I, engaged in a horrible war history largely chose to forget. 
The war began in Ethiopia. The war began many years before, the war of colonialism. 
The result of the war, as with many wars, was that combatants both lost heavily. The horrors of World War II harmed other also, but many of those harmed were involved in collusion, tacit or otherwise, allowed the belligerent to act. This is not speculation this is history. 
But little of this appears in popular history. Most histories, at most, show one or two photographs, which shows none of the horrors of the war. There is little if anything about this battle resulting in World War II except in scholarly texts. 
This story is a work of fiction, but the battlefield which is described in this book existed and the battles took place, much as it is laid out, although historical records differ somewhat and fictional elements are added for effect.

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