
Friday, September 22, 2017

aut broader impacts

i spoke to a parson and an engineer about my universe model.  the parson wanted to discuss intelligent design and god.  i told him an algorithm free of randomness, entropy and full of supersymmetry was a definitive design and the environtment that holds the universe as a thought is more godlike than anything people imagine, but that faith was an issue since man's self determination is illusory.
i had troubles explaining love and self sacrifice to myself.  I wonder if my theory is making me a worse person.  i had another argument based on the fact that i believe my ramblings.  how to explain what happens when you disprove asymetric outcomes.  or perhaps that word is too confusing in context.
The universe appears curved, but is jerky because of averaging.
Are electrons representative of anti-matter and the positron matter?  Is the orbit a step in the decompression of black hole transitional states?   Can it be steps in either direction with chainging its state?
How do these rules corresond with waves, other than that the electron wave is actually the underlying waves transitioning to the next higher ct state?
There are more questions than lovers on the beach in the universe.
The universe should not exist,that is what i told the parson.  everything out there, is just shouldn't exist.  it is too impossible, and yet we accept it.  my theory explains what it is, but not why.
So how can i explain my shortcomings in a way that makes sense to you or to me?  If i have inflection points where my direction seems to change at random, is that not some part of who we are?  It is not a good night, I am at war with everyone around me.  I should  have asked the parson how does one find peace amidst the stormy seas of existence, the huge waves that threaten to drown us being of our own making?
I didn't ask, and now I cannot.

Broader Impacts :

The narrow and immediate impact of the grant is to continue to define the fundamental structure of the universe in more detail to show in broader mathematical terms what we observe.  It has far reaching impacts in our ability to manipulate time and space.
Societal relevant outcomes include improved national security, increased economic competitiveness of the United States and enhanced understanding of fundamental physics and possibly opening up new frontiers for practical application of fundamental structure of the universe to observed phenomena.
The grant is being sought not only to further develop the theory and to get access to more data to develop the theory, but also to present Algorithm Universe Theory to other physicists to encourage looking at information for correct results instead of the shadow results being examined currently.

The promise of AuT is not only theoretical, but suggest practical applications. While it holds the more fanciful promise that it could change matter to energy, light or even space, it will allow a better understanding of gravity and thermodynamics.  AuT could provide a path to change the gravitational features leading to attraction and making them repulsive instead.  At the very least it is a quantum leap ahead in the understanding of gravity and other forces

And not the excerpt of the day, about speaking the right things when I speak only the wronge ones, doing right when i only do wrong.  Perhaps his words give peace when mine only increase anxiety, fear, anger and turmoil.

 He spoke of the wisdom whose fruit is not pride but humility, of the honour whose crown is not authority but service, of the purity which is not outward but inward, and of the joy which lasts forever.He spoke of forgiveness for the guilty, of compassion for the weak, of hope for the desperate.

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